
Let’s talk postpartum depression

A WorkWell podcast about mental health and motherhood

Learn about the impact of postpartum depression

How can new mothers make their mental health a priority?

The birth of a baby is a joyful event, but for many women, that joy can become overshadowed by postpartum depression. According to the American Psychological Association, up to 1 in 7 women experience this serious mood disorder. But despite its prevalence, many do not seek the help and support they need due to stigmas and misinformation. One way we can help breakdown these barriers is by sharing personal stories and experiences to build greater awareness about this condition. On this episode, Deloitte chief well-being officer Jen Fisher discusses postpartum depression with three mothers (and Deloitte colleagues) Leticia Roinesdal, Elizabeth Lascaze, and Caitlin Goodrich.

Dormancy is this period of time that a plant pauses growth to protect itself from adverse growing conditions or recharge for the next bloom. Nobody throws the plant away while it’s dormant because it’s already proven itself and we know exactly what we’re going to get when that plant reblooms. There’s nothing in nature that blooms all year and neither should we. This became a model for me to be gracious to myself whether I’m in a mental health episode or whether I’m in a healthy state, and to remember that dormancy is the difference between being buried and being planted.

- Elizabeth Lascaze

About WorkWell

On the WorkWell podcast series, we talk about all things well-being. Stay up-to-date with the latest health and wellness trends and discover tips and tricks along the way with host Jen Fisher, Deloitte chief well-being officer. Subscribe today and learn ways to enrich your own well-being, improve work-life balance, and create a culture of wellness at work. Each podcast is designed to help you better understand—and more importantly—embed well-being into your life and work!

Visit the WorkWell library for the full collection of episodes and learn more about well-being at Deloitte.

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