

Register your interest in the 2023 State of Legal Operations Survey

To help understand the current state of Legal Operations (Legal Ops), Deloitte is preparing to launch its high-level, no-cost Legal Ops Survey aligned to the Corporate Legal Operations Consortium’s1 (CLOC) Core 12 Pillars.

Historically, our surveys have leveraged insights from an average participant base of approximately 100 legal operations professionals, spanning multiple industries, across organizations of varying size and maturity.

2023 survey participants can expect to receive insights into where their legal department stands on the maturity scale through a comparative analysis of people, processes, and technologies. Survey participants will also receive a detailed analysis of the survey’s findings and what steps they can consider to elevate their legal operations.

Ready to take your Legal Operations to the next level? Complete the form below to register your interest in participating in the 2023 Legal Operations Survey.

1Our survey questions were designed to provide insight into current practices to evaluate how Legal Ops is performing, at a high-level, in the identified CLOC area.

2023 State of Legal Operations Survey Interest

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