Views from our leaders

Tom Bibby, Managing Director in Q&A with Matt Flemming, Senior Manager

Matt: This past week I had the pleasure of sitting down with one of the newest members of Deloitte Turnaround & Restructuring (Deloitte T&R). Tom Bibby joins the Deloitte T&R team with 30 years of experience serving as a financial advisor to debtors, lenders, creditors, and corporations going through corporate turnarounds. I couldn’t have been more excited to hear about his career journey and everything he is bringing to the Deloitte T&R team.
Matt: Tom, tell us about your prior experience in the market.
Tom: I began my career as an auditor, and my first engagement with a bankruptcy case was a pivotal experience as it involved fraud and theft of mortgage funds by the owner. This project was a pivotal point in my career to transition from audit to advisory. Collaborating with the FBI to trace and recover stolen funds introduced an additional layer of intrigue and complexity to the role, solidifying my interest in this field. The results were a significant portion of the funds recovered and a lengthy prison sentence for the owner.
Matt: You have done a lot of cross-border work, can you share some specifics?

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Deloitte T&R guided an invoice and payment management solutions software company

A private equity-owned provider of cloud-based software and integrated payment processing company engaged Deloitte T&R’s Cash & Working Capital Services team to assist in providing guidance on short-term operational cash flow forecasting processes, as well as exploring longer-term levers for cash flow improvement. The company was facing liquidity challenges in the prior quarter and Deloitte assisted in developing and refining a 13-week cash flow forecasting model and helped stand up cash management reporting and tracking processes to support ongoing monitoring and operations.

Recent engagements

Cash flow
Financial advisory
Performance Management

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Ryan Maupin

Ryan Maupin

Managing Director
Deloitte Transactions and
Business Analytics LLP

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Anthony J. Jackson

Anthony J. Jackson

Deloitte Risk & Financial Advisory Principal
Deloitte Transactions and
Business Analytics LLP

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Mike Sullivan

Mike Sullivan

Managing Director
Deloitte Turnaround & Restructuring
Business Analytics LLP

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