Life at Deloitte

My Deloitte story: Anna Taylor

What’s it like being a leader at Deloitte? Who better to answer that question than the leaders themselves.

May 25, 2024

In a series of interviews, leaders from different parts of our business shared what it's really like to work here, what inspired their career shift to Deloitte, and what they enjoy most about being part of our organization.

Meet Anna Taylor, deputy managing principal, tax policy group, Deloitte Tax LLP

With an organization this large, I was a little concerned that I might get lost in the mix. This has not been the case at all. Deloitte has a structure and process in place to ensure that the organization understands your value and deploys it effectively.

Why did you leave the public sector to join Deloitte?

I spent the last two decades working in the United States Senate, doing economic policy for the Senate Majority Leader for the last 11 years. During this time, I worked on some significant pieces of legislation and economic policy that became law.

While the job was very exciting and rewarding, it takes a lot out of you. You’re working hard, around the clock, every day. I reached a point where I did some self-reflection and asked, “What's best for my family? Could I gain a better work-life balance if I moved out of the public sector?” The answer was yes.

What convinced you that Deloitte would be a great organization to work for?
Making the decision to join Deloitte wasn’t difficult, for several reasons:

  • Culture: I have long-standing relationships with people on the Deloitte team that go back to the early days in my career in government. Across the board, these colleagues have said nothing but positive things about Deloitte’s culture and their work experiences here. That was a very good foundational indicator.
  • Reputation: In addition, I have experience working with Deloitte consultants on various projects on the Hill over the years. They consistently live up to their reputation of being reliable advisors who operate with integrity.
  • Longevity: Deloitte has been in business for over 175 years, so that gave me confidence that I could build a career with the organization for the long term. I joined because I knew that the organization was doing things to be well-positioned as the future unfolds.

Now that you’re here, what aspects of Deloitte’s culture are you enjoying? 
With an organization this large, I was a little concerned that I might get lost in the mix. This has not been the case at all. Deloitte has a structure and process in place to ensure that the organization understands your value and deploys it effectively.

There’s a good support system that spans mentoring and onboarding so you can clearly map out how you’re going to integrate yourself into the organization. This kind of guidance on the front end is extremely valuable when you transition into a new role.

With this team approach, I quickly got up to speed, not only within my policy group but across a broad spectrum of the organization. I like that I was able to hit the ground running.

What part of your day-to-day work do you most look forward to?
It sounds like a cliché, but it really is the people. My colleagues are the best of the best and it has been so fun to work alongside them. I’m really enjoying traveling with them to meet clients and attend industry conferences. It has been so rewarding to be part of a team comprised of specialists in different business issues who bring diverse perspectives to the table.

How has Deloitte supported your career journey as a woman in the tax practice?
I have a one-year-old baby girl named Posey and it’s so important to me to spend as much time with her as possible. But I travel a lot—both to attend client meetings and speak at industry conferences around the country.

To maximize my time at home in DC., I’ve been able to work with my group to structure travel smartly. That way, I can fly out in the morning, attend meetings, and often be back home with Posey by 6:00 PM. We can’t always make it work, but I am so appreciative that my team respects and supports this goal when it is possible.

In addition, as soon as I joined, several women principals and partners reached out and helped show me the ropes. I’m also part of a group of Deloitte women in the Washington National Tax practice who get together on a regular basis to network and support each other as we navigate our careers as tax professionals and working mothers.

What kind of impact do you plan to make at Deloitte?
There has been so much legislation over the last three to four years and I can provide a real-time assessment of what has happened and what is likely to come over the next several years.

What keeps you busy outside of your work at Deloitte?
My daughter Posey keeps me quite busy. When I was working in the Senate, we passed the Inflation Reduction Act the same week that she was born—and I was literally doing the final negotiations from my hospital bed. I like to joke that I brought a new baby and a new law into the world at the same time!

In addition to my daughter, we also have two rambunctious Goldendoodles named Fozzie Bear and Mokey. So, our house is a bit of a circus most days—but it’s busy in the best possible way.

About Anna

Anna Taylor joined Deloitte's Washington, DC National Tax office in 2023 and brings nearly two decades of Capitol Hill experience that will inform insights regarding tax and trade policy and legislative priorities and strategies. She joins a team that monitors US tax legislative and regulatory developments and produces articles for Deloitte Tax’s weekly newsletter, Tax News & Views, and in-depth publications on issues such as the US deficit and US tax reform.

Anna joined Deloitte from the Office of the Senate Democratic Leader, where she was the Director of Economic Policy as well as Tax and Trade Counsel. During her time in this role, she was the principal tax negotiator on legislation such as the Coronavirus Aid, Relief and Economic Security (CARES) Act, the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021, and the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) of 2022. She developed, implemented, and managed the Senate Democratic Caucus economic policy agenda and acted as their primary floor advisor for tax, trade, financial services, retirement security, and unemployment insurance legislation. She regularly interacted with the professional staff of the Joint Committee on Taxation, and minority and majority staff of the Senate Finance Committee and the House Committee on Ways and Means.

Anna earned her BA in Political Science from Arkansas State University and her JD from the University of Arkansas School of Law.

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