Life at Deloitte

My Deloitte story: Robyn Crittenden

What’s it like being a leader at Deloitte? Who better to answer that question than the leaders themselves.

June 13, 2024

In a series of interviews, leaders from different parts of our business shared what it's really like to work here, what inspired their career shift to Deloitte, and what they enjoy most about being part of our organization.

Meet Robyn Crittenden, managing director, Government & Public Services, Deloitte Consulting LLP

I had previous experience with Deloitte while implementing an integrated eligibility system. I respected the team’s excellent work, knowledgeable professionals, work ethic, and collaborative culture. My positive interactions with people from Deloitte influenced my decision.

Why did you leave the public sector to join Deloitte?
I had reached a point in my career where I wanted a different kind of challenge. Instead of working with a single organization, I sought a broader role. I considered several options, including going back to practicing law or joining the private sector. But I realized that working with state governments—and making a difference in people’s lives based on how they receive government services—was incredibly important to me. I also enjoy transformative work, such as helping improve processes and leading IT projects, and I value leadership and helping others become good leaders. I chose to work with Deloitte because it would allow me to retain my focus on what I am passionate about while making a larger impact.

What stood out to you about Deloitte?
I had previous experience working closely with Deloitte while implementing an integrated eligibility system. I respected the team’s excellent work, knowledgeable professionals, work ethic, and collaborative culture. My positive interactions with people from Deloitte influenced my decision.

What do you enjoy most about your day-to-day work with Deloitte?
I love the work I’m doing and particularly enjoy working across different projects and teams. The conversations I have with my colleagues are fascinating and engaging—I could talk to them for hours!

Additionally, I’ve been impressed by Deloitte’s commitment to a human-centric approach and the respect and care they extend to employees. When I joined, I immediately felt valued and supported by my team. They have gone out of their way to consider my individual needs, such as scheduling preferences or personal commitments.

This approach is different than what I initially expected from a professional services organization. I had the perception that consulting involved extensive travel but, for me, that hasn’t been the case. Deloitte offers flexibility when possible, making it a potentially viable career option for individuals who prefer not to be on the road all the time. That has been a positive surprise for me.

How has Deloitte’s commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) factored into your experience?
Deloitte’s commitment is not just lip service. DEI is woven into the fabric of the organization. It’s not just talk, there’s action. And that has been very refreshing. I have attended several Deloitte events that have been so well done and demonstrate the quality and authenticity of our commitment.

In terms of career growth and impact, how do you envision your future at Deloitte?
While it’s still early in my journey at Deloitte, I foresee opportunities to grow my eminence in human services on a national level. In addition, as a leader, it has always been important for me to mentor and lead others. I am already mentoring several team members and speaking on leadership at conferences.
During my time in state government, I built my reputation as a highly-skilled, knowledgeable, and ethical leader and administrator. At Deloitte, I plan to use those skills to help address and solve complex issues and to continue to mentor and grow others to do the same.

Deloitte provides an incredibly supportive environment and I have seen that expressing an interest in something starts to open doors—so I’m excited about what the future holds.

About Robyn

Robyn Crittenden is a managing director, Deloitte Consulting LLP, in its Government and Public Sector practice, with more than 20 years of executive-level state government leadership experience. Robyn’s positions in Georgia state government have included serving as Secretary of State, Commissioner of the Department of Human Services (DHS), and State Revenue Commissioner. Her areas of experience include organizational performance, operational efficiency and effectiveness, strategic planning, customer service, crisis management, fiscal planning, change management, workforce and client engagement, legislative affairs, and federal and state policy interpretation. She is known for her strong focus on administrative and operational excellence.

During her tenure as DHS Commissioner, Robyn led the state’s work to strengthen Georgia families and protect vulnerable children and adults from abuse, neglect, and exploitation. Under her leadership, DHS did extensive work in senior services that included creating a statewide Older Adults Cabinet with Georgia’s First Lady and addressing senior hunger, adult protective services, and other home and community-based services. Her work in child support included the creation of a mobile app and significant expansion of the Georgia Fatherhood Program and Parental Accountability Courts. DHS also implemented Georgia’s integrated eligibility system which created a centralized system for the determination of benefit eligibility.

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