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Today’s marketing leaders must navigate stunning global change and unprecedented market complexities to achieve global impact and deliver on business goals.

Marketing teams can take the lead by honing their efforts in three pivotal areas: driving top-line growth that results in significantly increased enterprise value; valuing data analytics combined with deep human design capabilities to innovate and scale; and earning and keeping a high degree of trust with increasingly sophisticated digital consumers.

Stay a step ahead with insights that can help you execute on these three strategies.

Building digital trust

Purpose builds trust. Trust builds loyalty. Loyalty builds growth.

From equity-centered design to purpose-driven social responsibility, more companies are discovering something many of us have known all along: Caring is growing.

In this issue of Deloitte’s new blog series, we explore the latest trend of Purpose for growth. So what makes it a trend? For starters, a full 66% of high-growth brands are more likely to see purpose as a way to guide employee decision-making, and 41% are more likely to have purpose drive the corporate social responsibility investment strategy.

Discover why and how more companies are realigning their corporate goals with their purpose, increasing trust, and growing from the effort.

Create a win-win for your company and consumers by being purpose-driven

Driving growth

If you really want to drive growth, take it personally.

For companies looking to drive growth, personalizing the online experience for their customers, and doing it correctly, can lead to surprising gains.

The results speak for themselves. Companies leading the way in personalization see nearly two times the improvement in customer engagement and are twice as likely to exceed revenue goals.

With customers obviously rewarding brands for personalizing their experiences, why aren’t more brands delivering? Download our latest report to learn how personalizing the customer experience can benefit your brand.

Accelerate growth through CX personalization

Innovating to scale

How marketers can prepare for economic uncertainty.

With economic uncertainty on the horizon, smart marketers know a little foresight can go a long way. Efficiently allocating marketing dollars is one step you can take to economy-proof your budget. But that’s not the only thing.

We’ve identified six smart moves you can make to weather the storm. From repurposing campaigns to user-generated content to automation, there are a myriad of adjustments marketers can add to their war chest to use when the time is right.

Learn six ways marketers can prepare for an economic downturn

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Articles reprinted here originally appeared in Deloitte Insights CMO Today from The Wall Street Journal. The Wall Street Journal News Department was not involved in the creation of this content.

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