
The future of the British remote betting and gaming industry

Adapting to a changing landscape

What challenges will the British remote betting and gaming industry face over the next five years and how can it respond? We spoke to 16 industry leaders and observers from betting and gaming companies, the regulator, a trade association, as well as organizations with specialist knowledge in the industry to identify the issues.

We believe that in the next five years the British remote betting and gaming industry should continue to focus on creating high quality, innovative mobile products while also developing models for monetizing their social media presence.

Key findings
Six core challenges betting and gaming companies are likely to face in the medium-term:

  • Market share consolidation driven by tightening margins and a resultant increased advantage of scale.
  • Increased marketing spending over the next 12 months as operators prepare for the introduction of the Point Of Consumption (POC) tax, and consider spending in a more targeted manner to increase loyalty.
  • Intensified competition will continue to drive the quality of mobile products available to consumers and help some operators leapfrog the industry.
  • The multichannel approach is likely to result in a convergence of retail and mobile offerings increasing loyalty and engagement with both online and offline customers.
  • Influencing betting and gaming behaviour through social media.
  • Gradual merging of social gaming and real money gaming is set to continue.
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