Aga Leyko - AI Warriors


For Ali Muzaffar, the most interesting part of his career journey has been focusing on the cyber risk caused by emerging technologies.

Deloitte AI Institute is proud to introduce a series profiling AI warriors who are pushing the boundaries of what’s possible in the search for new and innovative uses of AI.

Can you share the most interesting part of your career journey?

My AI ethics journey began with a 2014 project in Malaysia, designing a smart home for the elderly. Fascinated by my research on privacy and security, which is a big concern for that demographic, I joined Deloitte in 2015 and now work in the area of cyber risk, with a focus on governance, risk management, and compliance.

AI is here to stay for the betterment of humanity.

Working in technology risk strategy the past six years, the most interesting part of my career journey has been focusing on the cyber risk caused by emerging technologies. As part of the Deloitte AI Institute’s Trustworthy AI core team, I’m researching and helping to create thought leadership and go-to-market strategies for the security and privacy aspect of the Trustworthy AI framework.

What excites you most about working with data and AI?

Like many other technologies developed with time and knowledge, AI is here to stay for the betterment of humanity. What both excites and concerns me is the inevitable risk that comes with it.

I’m passionate about developing and implementing Deloitte’s Trustworthy AI framework and enjoy analyzing AI’s possibilities from both an external and an internal lens.

Describe an interesting project that you have worked on.

I recently implemented governance, risk management, and compliance-related controls across different applications, including any AI-related solutions, for a large life sciences and health care company.

I’m passionate about developing and implementing Deloitte’s Trustworthy AI framework and enjoy analyzing AI’s possibilities from both an external and an internal lens.

The project was designed to ask questions that assessed the digital risks in application in order to treat those risks before the solution moves to customer use.

That approach to managing risk while developing AI solutions from ideation to execution is key for all companies. Controls have to be defined across different key areas, assessed, and treated.

AI warriors

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