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Renewable energy procurement services

Lead the charge in renewable energy procurement

In an era when sustainability increasingly shapes corporate agendas, we stand at the forefront, helping companies navigate the complexities of renewable energy procurement. We bring commercial-ready insights and experience to help your business harness the opportunities of renewable sourcing across evolving electricity markets and align with environmental, social, and governance (ESG) goals. Discover how our renewable energy procurement services can transform your energy strategy.

Meeting the renewable procurement movement

The movement toward renewable energy is poised to have positive impacts on the environment. Its adoption can also create significant benefits for your business, including:

  • Reduced carbon footprints: Make a significant impact on your environmental stewardship.
  • Cost savings: Uncover efficiencies and cost reductions in your energy consumption.
  • Value generation: Foster a sustainable value system within your operations and supply chains.
  • Achieved sustainability goals: Meet and exceed your ESG and climate objectives with strategic renewable energy sourcing.

That’s why we help companies decipher the landscape of electricity markets, offering insights to capitalize on renewable energy sourcing. Whether your business goals encompass lowering carbon footprints, reducing operational costs, or achieving stringent sustainability and climate targets, we’re equipped to help guide your journey.

Download our brochure to start charting your course toward a sustainable, energy-efficient future.

Explore the breadth of our renewable energy procurement services

Empower your renewable energy strategy

Our approach illuminates the path to procurement through the following:

Four common renewable energy procurement services

Deloitte’s services are designed to enable your business to make informed, strategic decisions in the renewable energy space. We offer a spectrum of renewable energy procurement options:

  1. Physical Power Purchase Agreements (PPAs): Secure cost stability and predictability with long-term contracts for onsite or offsite renewable energy delivery.
  2. Virtual Power Purchase Agreements (VPPAs): Engage in long-term contracts that set the stage for renewable energy certificate (REC) generation.
  3. Regulated market options: Navigate green tariffs and unbundled RECs for flexible renewable energy purchasing and emission offsetting.
  4. Onsite generation: Implement onsite renewable solutions to directly address decarbonization goals and renewable development.

Success in action: Renewable energy procurement case studies
From advising a health care system on 100% renewable procurement to guiding a global auto parts manufacturer toward net-zero emissions, our case studies underscore the breadth and depth of our capabilities.
Download the brochure

Access to one of the world’s largest marketplaces for PPAs

Better meet the energy needs of your business. Tune in to learn how our team can deliver data that helps your business select a PPA proposal based on strategic priorities.

Get in touch

Are you ready to explore how Deloitte can help illuminate the path to renewable energy for your business? If you have questions about elevating your strategy or would like to learn more about our renewable energy procurement services, let’s set up a conversation.

Marlene Motyka

Marlene Motyka

US Renewable Energy Leader

Marlene is Deloitte’s US Renewable Energy leader and a principal in Deloitte Transactions and Business Analytics LLP. She consults on matters related to valuation, tax, M&A, financing, business strate... More

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