

Protecting your critical infrastructure

Five insights to know and five actions you can take

Physical attacks and cyberattacks on critical infrastructure are increasingly forcing organizations to consider critical infrastructure protection as a top priority. However, to effectively prevent and detect these attacks, they should look beyond strengthening and updating their current capabilities.

The growing number of physical security attacks on bulk electric systems should serve as a warning for organizations to consider critical infrastructure protection as a top priority. Unsurprisingly, the vulnerability of critical infrastructure to physical attacks and cyberattacks not only impacts reliable operations, but it also can put public safety at risk—even trusted suppliers can become agents of risk.

Yet, there are actions organizations can take now to avoid and mitigate damage, such as considering public safety impact in addition to reliability and updating the supply chain risk management program. Download our 5x5: Insights and actions to learn more.

5x5 Insights and actions


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Sharon Chand
Principal | Cyber Risk Services
Deloitte & Touche LLP

Brad Singletary, CISSP
Managing Director | Cyber Risk Services
Deloitte & Touche LLP

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