Mergers & acquisitions in real estate

Operate Services Thought Leadership

Strengthening foundations

With our IndustryAdvantage<sup>TM</sup> approach, you can access the full breadth of thinking, experience, and technology from across Deloitte, our people, and our ecosystems as you work to transform your real estate M&A strategy.<br><br>Because of our deep knowledge of the real estate sector, we can help you apply a targeted approach to transformation that prepares you to meet you merger, acquisition, restructuring and divestiture goals.

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Roadmap to readiness

From M&A strategy, due diligence, and transaction execution to post-deal integration or divestiture, we do whatever it takes to help you achieve sustainable growth and competitive advantage.

Pre-signing services

Assess client’s growth and rebalancing strategies by taking a 360-degree view of their portfolio and identifying organic and inorganic opportunities for development.

Perform financial due diligence procedures focused on identifying key transaction value drivers, and perform tax due diligence and structuring services focused on identifying material tax risks, exposures, or opportunities.

Assist client with challenges regarding asset and portfolio-level due diligence, including capital assets and construction, modeling, valuation, regulatory risk, and compliance.

Evaluate the target’s human resources function, including potential costs and how it will fit with client’s business. Additionally, perform IT due diligence services including business systems and software, spending, infrastructure, and security or cyber risks.

Optimize accretive value of proposed transaction by advising on potential revenue and cost synergies.

Work with client and client’s legal advisers to ensure key diligence findings are appropriately addressed in the purchase agreement.

Post-signing services

Advise clients on key integration and readiness activities required for successful Day 1 operations, including finance and accounting integration management; consolidation and reporting integration; treasury integration and cash and liquidity management; change management strategy; transition service agreement; and audit and internal audit services.

Guide client through complex purchase accounting and reporting obligations.

Support client with respect to regulatory accounting and filing obligations resulting from the transaction.

Restructuring services

Advise client on potential restructuring alternatives to optimize the efficiencies and synergies identified with respect to the transaction.

Tailored to your business. Targeted to your goals.<br><br>By utilizing our broad experience and comprehensive services, we can create bespoke solutions that effectively address your unique real estate M&A challenges. From strategy, targeting, and due diligence through execution and integration or divestiture, we can help your business prepare to lead.

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Ready to move forward?

Find out how our real estate services and solutions can help you break new ground—and prepare your organization to thrive in the future of the industry.

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