Doctors Discussion


Deloitte's Physician Leadership Academy

Facilitating your journey to health care enterprise leader

Physician-led health systems are the most effective health systems in the U.S. However, the leadership skills necessary to empower physicians to be high-impact leaders aren’t always developed organically during a physician’s career. That is where the Physician Leadership Academy comes in.

Physician Leadership Academy: Helping shape the future of health care

We empower physicians with the critical skills to be leaders in their organizations as they face the unique challenges of the health system of the future. Rising costs, increasing demands for quality, and changing patient preferences are accelerating the movement toward value-based health care—driving the need for physicians to take on broader responsibilities and navigate higher, more complex levels of leadership. How will you get to the next level of leadership?

Deloitte Consulting LLP and faculty from top-tier business schools have created a first-of-its-kind program to prepare physicians to shape the marketplace. Now in its seventh year, this innovative program facilitates participants’ journey from individual physician leader to health care enterprise leader.

Physician Leadership Academy provides the necessary leadership skills that a traditional medical education and business education do not. Through in-person learning sessions with individual feedback, leadership coaching, mentoring, and peer support, physicians can acquire the understanding, insight, and skill sets required to be able to successfully lead within a constantly changing health care ecosystem.

Physician Leadership Academy provides the skills and insight you need to help you develop into a versatile leader. Participants begin with leadership evaluations that provide insight into their behavioral patterns in a professional context. They continue their leadership development journey over the following year with one-on-one leadership coaching and three interactive modules (blend of virtual and in-person) facilited by world-class faculty and Deloitte leaders, interspersed with real-world application to their own professional challenges.

Applications are now open for 2024-2025 cycle (Cohort 7). Please click here to apply.

Who Should Attend

Physician Leadership Academy is targeted to practicing physicians who have taken on increasing levels of leadership and administrative responsibility in their careers and aspire to be enterprise-wide leaders.

Ideal candidates will possess:

  • Desire to become a driving influence in the future of health care
  • Desire to build strategic, entrepreneurial, and people-focused leadership skills
  • Motivation to develop, learn, and perform in unfamiliar and more demanding contexts
  • Willingness to reflect and grow as a leader

The curriculum offers benefit for physicians with diverse backgrounds in health care, including within the sector of care delivery, policy and regulation, foundations, and global health.

Program objectives

This powerful, interactive curriculum provides physicians with:

  • A broadened perspective on current trends across the rapidly evolving health care space.
  • The skills and mindset needed to impact pressing issues and help shape the future in their enterprise and the broader health care ecosystem.
  • The capability to navigate higher and more complex levels of leadership.
  • An opportunity to increase recognition of their leadership and accelerate their career success.
  • A clearer insight into their own leadership style, strengths, and development areas. They will work with coaches and mentors throughout the program to gain specific and objective feedback to support their development.

The modules each build upon the themes of individual, organizational, and system leadership. The Cohort 6 curriculum will include the following topics:

Module 1: Leading in the new world of health care
September 16th - 18th, 2024 | In-person, Deloitte University, Westlake, TX

  • Defining your purpose as an enterprise and marketplace leader
  • Optimizing financial, physical, and human resources
  • Designing and implementing a dynamic business strategy and clear vision

Module 2: Building momentum for change
January 27th - 30th, 2025 (half days) | Virtual

  • Developing versatile approaches for leading teams and organizations through change
  • Building and leveraging social capital while effectively managing stakeholder relationships
  • Creating a culture that meets market and consumer demands through patient centricity

Module 3: Reimagining the future of health care
April 7th - 9th, 2025 | In-person, Deloitte University, Westlake, TX

  • Developing your team into the next generation of health care leaders
  • Anticipating future health care needs by driving next-level strategies
  • Utilizing your new knowledge and network to solve critical industry challenges

Physician Leadership Academy: Shaping the future of Health Care

Participant Testimonials

Daphne Adele Haas-Kogan, MD

Chair, Department of Radiation Oncology, Dana- Farber/Brigham and Women’s Cancer Center; Professor of Radiation Oncology, Harvard Medical School

“I’m a new chair and new to the Harvard system. It was very clear to me that I had a lot of room for growth and learning. I chose this course as it seemed like a very well-thought-out program that would move me significantly along the path of learning and improving my leadership skills on all levels.

In my role, I need to make sure world-class clinical care is being provided to our patients, that our staff feels supported and empowered, and that they are practicing at the top of their licenses. I am responsible for ensuring that the clinical, educational, quality improvement, research, and academic missions are moved forward, and that all members of our faculty–medical, physics, and biology–feel supported in their academic careers. I also help ensure that we’re aligned with the hospital and enterprise missions, and that we support the #1 radiation oncology training program in the country.”

“The Physician Leadership Academy has helped in every aspect of my job. It has enabled me to think of practical aspects of clinical and academic medicine that I could then put into use to maintain and further develop our world-class department.”

Physician Leadership Academy brought the perfect balance of academic rigor, practical advice, insights from finance experts, and inspirational talks and sessions. In addition, the great value and pleasure of interacting with my peers cannot be underestimated. We all had different backgrounds but similar and overlapping challenges, so we most definitely learned from each other.”

Michael T. Harris, MD

Senior vice president and chief medical officer, Englewood Hospital and Medical Center in New Jersey

This program is really amazing; what an incredible group. A very natural and amazingly quick friendship has developed among our cohort, and we are learning a learning a great deal from each other. Even though I’ve only been through one-third of the program, it has been one of the most exciting experiences of my professional career. It has already changed the way that I do business.

As an example, I begin many meetings now by having an open conversation about decision ownership. Having that discussion up front has made an enormous difference—it is extremely effective in clearing the path to getting real work done.

The executive coaching piece is also great. I am learning a lot about myself and look forward to continuing that engagement over the course of the program. I have found the 360-degree feedback and Hogan Assessments to be very useful. They helped validate some of the things I thought about myself, in terms of strengths as well as areas where I can work to improve as a leader.

I’m a huge fan of this program.”

As physician leaders, we are being called upon to navigate the uncharted waters of a transforming health care industry. To meet the challenges needed to improve the health of our communities, we need new skills, new competencies, and a new mindset.

—Kenneth J. Abrams, MD, MBA, Managing Director and Chief Physician Executive, Deloitte Consulting LLP

Get in touch

Elizabeth Baca, MD, MPA
Managing Director
Deloitte Consulting LLP

Howard Drenth, MBA
Specialist Executive
Deloitte Consulting LLP

Felix Matthews, MD, MBA
Managing Director
Deloitte Consulting LLP

Ken Abrams, MD, MBA
Managing Director

Shaun Rangappa, MD, MHSA
Managing Director

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