

SPACs: The M&A players behind tomorrow’s IPOs

New financial models may have long-term impact  

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SPACs: The M&A players behind tomorrow’s IPOs

Michael Dziczkowski, Jeff Bergner and David Oberst

Special purpose acquisition companies (SPACs) have been in the news—and for good reason. They’re an increasingly popular alternative to the traditional IPO roadshow and a potentially lucrative outlet for pent-up cash reserves among private equity investors.

In this episode, Mike Dziczkowski, Jeff Bergner, and David Oberst, M&A transaction service partners with Deloitte and Touche LLP, break down the history of SPACs. They also discuss how SPACs help private companies go public, key considerations for sellers, and why SPACs are poised to shape capital markets for years to come.

We’re in a situation where a lot of companies have been capitalized by several different private equity firms throughout their lifespan. If the PEIs are looking to monetize their investment, going into the public markets is an advantageous way for them to do that, with SPACs offering an alternate way to get to the capital markets.

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