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Travel Risk Management and Policy Design

Evaluating risk and designing corporate travel policies

Business travel is commonplace for many organizations, but the increasing complexity of regulations may create challenges for even those with corporate travel policy best practices in place. Our team of business travel compliance consultants is experienced in travel risk management, designing, transforming, and implementing programs that align with business needs.

Taking your business travel program to new heights

Business travelers, whether traveling state-to-state or country-to-country, may create risks and exposure for employers. Each country and local tax jurisdiction has differing rules defining short-term business travel tax when an employee triggers a tax filing obligation. Areas of concern include corporate, payroll, and individual income tax. Tax and immigration authorities are leveraging technology and exchanging information to focus on enforcement of tax reporting and withholding regulations. Determining when and where business travelers create tax filing obligations can be a highly challenging process for employers.

Our approach to advising on business traveler compliance focuses on building a broad-based framework that defines roles, identifies travelers, and initiates subsequent compliance activities to create a successful travel risk management program.

Experiencing turbulence?

Competing priorities between business and compliance demands further complicates effectively managing travel risk. Have you experienced any of these common barriers?

  • Different reporting laws and tax treaties
  • Corporate obligations, even where tax treaties may apply
  • Concerns about employee experience
  • Employer obligations, including reporting of income, withholding, and tax remittance
  • Administrative challenges in achieving full compliance

Our approach to supporting your business travel program

We know business travel compliance requirements add additional complexity for both employees and the business alike, and we are committed to helping organizations navigate business travel tax. Our integrated travel risk management methodology includes the following:

Data-driven, people-focused

Deloitte’s Global Advantage is a single integrated platform connecting all your compliance requirements in one, easy-to-use place. The dashboard provides a full breadth of risk assessment coverage at both the pre- and post-travel stages. Dashboards enable you to interrogate the data and assist in better travel risk management.

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The Deloitte difference

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Prepared for takeoff?

Don’t wing your business travel plan. Our GES professionals are dedicated to finding solutions that best fit our clients’ needs. Lorraine Cohen, Deloitte’s national leader for our Business Travel Analytics offering, is at the forefront of this commitment.

Get in touch

Lorraine E. Cohen

Lorraine E. Cohen

Partner | Deloitte Tax LLP

Lorraine is a partner in the Global Employment Services (GES) practice for Deloitte Tax LLP in San Francisco. She has more than 30 years of experience serving global companies including expatriate tax... More

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