
Business Continuity 2.0

Are you ready for what's next?

Published date: 11 September 2023

What's in need now?

Traditional business continuity models struggle with the constantly changing business environment. They are designed for short-term and limited disruptions, like power outages or natural disasters. However, today's disruptions are more complex and long-lasting, such as cyber-attacks, pandemics, extreme weather, and supply chain issues.

As a result, these traditional models are ill-suited to address the evolving risks faced by businesses. To overcome these challenges, businesses need flexible and adaptive approaches to continuit planning. This means considering a wider range of potential disruptions and incorporating new technologies and risk management strategies.

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Business Continuity 2.0

How Deloitte can help?

Deloitte has developed an advanced business continuity management (BCM) model that incorporates automation tools and their methodology. This methodology guides clients throughout the entire BCM process, from design to improvement, offering a comprehensive journey for BCM while minimizing manual effort.


Contact Our Deloitte Data & Privacy Team

Brad Lin
Partner, Risk Advisory
Tel: +852 2109 5353

Hatty Siu
Director, Risk Advisory
Tel: +852 2852 5898

Joyce Ho
Senior Consultant, Risk Advisory
Tel: +852 2852 5847

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