Deloitte in the news

Meeting between Dianwei Yue, Secretary of the Party Committee and President of BAIC Group, and Asia Pacific Risk Advisory Leader Dave Kennedy

On 28 June, Deloitte Asia Pacific Risk Advisory Leader Dave Kennedy met executives from BAIC Mobility on a visit to Beijing. Led by Secretary of the Party Committee and President, Dianwei Yue, the BAIC Mobility delegation included Vice President Jingwei Ma and Chief of Staff to the President Bo Zhou. On Deloitte's side, Dave was accompanied by Asia Pacific Strategic & Reputation Risk Leader Eddie Chiu, Northern Region Deputy National Managing Partner Allan Xie, and Deloitte China Northern Region Deputy National Managing Partner and BAIC Group Service Manager Nigel Dai.

Dianwei Yue first introduced BAIC Group and BAIC Mobility to the Deloitte delegation. BAIC is ranked 124th in the Fortune 500 and BAIC Mobility is one of the Group's most important business units, bearing strategic responsibility for BAIC's state-owned enterprise transformation. BAIC Mobility also symbolizes BAIC Group's transformation from a traditional manufacturer to a creator of innovative mobility services for the future.

With a vision of "Green mobility, smart mobility, joyous mobility", BAIC Mobility aims to provide customer centric mobility services through core "Mobility" + "Value-Added Service" offerings, establishing an innovative mobility services platform based on a "multi-touchpoint, simple interface, full service, All-in-1 platform" concept, and leading the mobility industry as a top-tier service provider.

After Dianwei Yue's speech, Dave recapped the shared history of BAIC Group and Deloitte. After praising the market impact and achievements of BAIC Group and BAIC Mobility, Dave shared Deloitte's insights and experiences in mobility services, noting that "Future of Mobility" is not just a business focus of BAIC Mobility, but also a global hot topic for Deloitte.

Deloitte has invested enormous resources in the topic by publishing regular mobility insights and holding mobility roundtables at CES Global and CES Asia every year. Allan Xie then invited BAIC executives for further in-depth discussions in a series of workshops and other engagements.

After these meetings, Dianwei Yue took the Deloitte delegates on a tour of the BAIC Mobility operations center and introduced its operations dashboard. Attendees exchanged insights and views on data security, facial identification and strategic risks during the visit. Dave expressed the hope that Deloitte can support BAIC Mobility in securing its business data.

The meeting was greatly appreciated by executives on both sides, setting the foundations and establishing the tone for a promising future relationship between BAIC and Deloitte.

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