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OECD Pillar Two: Qualified jurisdictions and further guidance

27 January 2025

On 15 January 2025, the OECD/G20 Inclusive Framework on BEPS (”inclusive framework”) published a compilation of Pillar Two-related documents including a central record of jurisdictions’ domestic Pillar Two legislation with transitional qualified status. Further administrative guidance has also been released in respect of deferred tax assets arising from tax benefits provided by governments.

The Pillar Two global minimum tax rules (“model rules”) have been agreed by more than 140 members of the inclusive framework. Jurisdictions are in the process of implementing rules in local legislation, which began to apply as from January 2024. The Pillar Two rules apply to large multinational groups with annual consolidated group revenue of at least EUR 750 million, and result in “top-up” tax amounts to bring the overall tax on profits in each jurisdiction where a group operates up to a 15% minimum effective tax rate. The key components are: qualified domestic minimum top-up taxes (QDMTTs) which allow jurisdictions to charge any top-up taxes due in respect of local profits; the income inclusion rule (IIR) under which parent company jurisdictions apply the top-up tax rules on a top-down basis; and the undertaxed profits rule (UTPR) which will apply as a secondary (backstop) rule where the other rules have not been fully applied.

Where a permanent QDMTT safe harbor applies, a business will be able to elect to prepare a single QDMTT computation for a jurisdiction, and no additional top-up tax will arise in other jurisdictions under the IIR or UTPR. For the QDMTT safe harbor to apply, the domestic minimum tax must not only be “qualified,” but the domestic legislation must also meet an additional set of QDMTT safe harbor standards. (It is therefore theoretically possible that a jurisdiction could introduce rules that are a “qualified” QDMTT but do not qualify for the QDMTT safe harbor).

Year 2018

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Year 2015

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Guidance issued to facilitate corporate reorganizations
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