Global Outsourcing Survey


2016 წლის კვლევა აუთსორსინგის დარგში

მიიღეთ მონაწილეობა

ბოლო რამდენიმე წლის მანძილზე დელოიტმა განახორციელა კვლევები, რომლებიც შეისწავლიან აუთსორსინგის ევოლუციას და აფასებენ არსებულ ტენდენციებს.

Share your input about current outsourcing trends

As a survey participant, you will receive advance copy of the results of Deloitte's 2016 Global Outsourcing Survey and an invitation to an exclusive webinar presentation to discuss the results and trends with other participants.

Target survey participants:

  • Have responsibility for the company’s full service delivery organization
  • Are the buyers or decision makers for functional strategy and operations
  • Lead multifunctional operations or who head up single function services

As a senior executive involved with these issues, your views and experiences are very important to our effort. If there are several executives within your organization responsible for shared services centers, please feel free to forward the survey to them as well.

Your individual responses will be treated as strictly confidential. The survey takes approximately 30 minutes to complete.

Thank you in advance for taking the time to participate.

Take the Outsourcing survey.

იყო თუ არა ინფორმაცია სასარგებლო?