Corporate and Business Unit Strategy


Corporate and Business Unit Strategy

Winning intent

A fundamental challenge every executive faces is how to leverage instinct, reflex, and speed in responding to market shifts while sticking with an overall “game plan.” The most effective executives navigate the unexpected and unpredictable while keeping a clear business strategy in view.

That focus on strategy is imperative in the face of constant change and upheaval. Strategy is the touchstone that keeps management grounded, employees aligned toward core objectives, and resources allocated effectively. Importantly, a cohesive strategy provides clear assumptions of a company’s view of the future. When new trends or events emerge that are inconsistent with those underlying assumptions, the company can react with agility and address these new factors without impeding forward momentum.

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How we can help

Our Corporate and Business Unit Strategy practice works side by side with chief executives and their teams to create effective strategies and secure alignment across the organization. We are passionate about helping senior executives tackle tough issues and make choices in the face of difficult questions and varied options. We create the context for executive teams to explore many views, closely examine their choices, and emerge from the strategy process aligned and committed to action.

Our leading strategists bring deep sector knowledge along with the experience and methods to structure effective corporate and business unit strategies. We work with other specialty strategy services within Monitor Deloitte and with audit, financial advisory, risk management and tax services of Deloitte LLP through its network of member firms to bring effective and targeted resources to our strategy engagements.

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About our services

  • Develop and deliver a CEO agenda—working with the CEO to frame an agenda that clearly articulates his or her aspirations and priorities.
  • Create focused corporate and business unit strategies—employing our configurable architecture for strategy development, Strategy by Design™, we lead executive teams through a rigorous, tailored process that focuses on framing the critical choices they must make and delivering the insights they need to commit to the strategy.
  • Link shareholder value to business decisions—disaggregating value drivers and analyzing potential impacts of strategic decisions on shareholder value, as well as the impact of current strategies on shareholder value drivers.
  • Create advantaged portfolios—evaluating a business portfolio to identify opportunities to improve performance, from strengthening portfolio elements to divesting elements that can unlock capital for higher returning redeployment.
  • Design and execute integrated growth plans—working across all organic and inorganic opportunities, using our Total Growth™ methodology to assess where and how to grow by identifying growth opportunities, unlocking growth levers, and defining growth programs. In this way we deliver executable growth agendas to maximize impact on core success metrics. The process often includes building a high-level road map for strategic implementation and providing program management office services.
  • Understand and prepare for alternative futures—generating and fast-testing new strategic options or pressure-testing current strategies using our Fast Forward® scenarios approach, war gaming, simulations, and experiential learning.
  • Build strategy excellence—using our versatile Strategy by Design™ approach, we help our client organizations improve the effectiveness of their strategic dialog, develop new strategic-thinking skills, and deploy more effective planning processes
    and tools."

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About our services

Bottom-line Benefits

Through our Corporate and Business Unit Strategy services, our clients:

  • Develop and communicate a clear strategic vision.
  • Create focus and alignment within the executive team to develop and champion the strategy across the entire organization.
  • Execute strategy consistently across the organization.
  • Create strategic agility through strategy-informed sensing and the ability to have a strategic dialogue.
  • Achieve results, showing returns on actions and effects on shareholder value.
  • See a clear line of sight between the strategy and key qualitative and quantitative performance metrics and other measures.

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Bottom-line Benefits

Ways to get more value

Understand that strategy demands choices. Because companies rarely have sufficient resources, it is critical to identify, stay focused on, and make effective choices about which markets to compete in and how to succeed in those markets. We help executive teams to imagine options and agree to a set of critical choices and actions.

Appropriately integrate strategic choices across the enterprise to realize the full power of an aligned organization. It’s important to make connections across the business that link strategic aspirations and choices with operating models and investments so the work of the organization adds up to competitiveness in the market.

Seek aligned action from the top. With clear strategy choices made and the organization working harmoniously toward that strategy, senior executives should be effective stewards of the strategy over time, championing the strategy consistently across functions, investments, and activities and making decisions that keep their functional areas moving in the same direction.

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Competitive strategy matters now more than ever in the face of unprecedented levels of volatility, accelerated change, and increasing levels of innovation—each of which can shorten decision-making time frames and the shelf-life of executive actions. An effective strategy aligns competitive positioning in the market with company capabilities and operations. By committing to, communicating and, when necessary, adapting a strategy, senior executives drive the business straight toward its goals and aspirations.