Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive

Compliance may be your starting point for CSRD implementation, but it shouldn’t be your end game.

Working with a Deloitte multi-skilled, integrated team, capable of bringing together all disciplines and functions from across your business, there is much more you can gain.
We offer a step-by-step pragmatic approach that guides you through the CSRD’s double-materiality assessment and data points, and puts you on the path to new opportunities, performance improvements and impact that matters. You can future proof your business. With decarbonization strategies, new products and business models, and enhanced stakeholder relationships.

CSRD Series: Supporting you step by step

We’ve created a series of 20-minute videos to guide you through the maze of related topics, from double-materiality to the EU taxonomy. Watch our episodes to understand not only what’s required, but also the real business benefits of getting this right.


Episode 1 | Setting the scene

In the first episode, we will give you a preview of what to expect in the series, the first insights from our interactions with clients and our key recommendations.


Episode 2 | Double materiality explained

In our second CSRD episode we explore the practical implications of the CSRD requirements around double materiality. Through a series of questions with experts in our team, we aim to demystify some of the complexities of a double materiality process.


Episode 3 | CSRD Risk and opportunities

In this CSRD episode, Han and Vanessa discuss the risks and opportunities of the new directive and its standards.


Episode 4 | Internal Controls

In this CSRD episode, our colleagues Shirley and Erwin discuss the relevance, challenges and the right approach for internal controls over sustainability reporting.


Episode 5 | The legal perspective of CSRD

In this CSRD episode Rozemarijn Bloemendal, Ruben Kamerling and Níamh Wall discuss what the legal perspective of the CSRD entails.


Episode 6 | CSRD and your company strategy

In this CSRD episode our colleagues Emma Giertz and Arjan de Draaijer talk about how strategy will connect back to your CSRD agenda.


Episode 7 | EU Taxonomy

In this CSRD episode Han Hindriks and Lily Malan discuss their insights about the EU Taxonomy.


Episode 8 | Climate strategic implications

In this CSRD episode our colleagues Ivan and Anne-Claire talk about climate change disclosure requirements under the CSRD.


Episode 9 | Audit Readiness

In this CSRD episode Albert Jan and Louise talk about audit readiness in relation to the CSRD.


Episode 10 | People at the heart of CSRD implementation

In this CSRD episode Ramin and Rick will focus on the people aspect of transformations such as CSRD implementation.


Episode 11 | Implications for the value chain

In this episode of the CSRD series, Birthe and Sander talk about the impact of CSRD across the value chain.


Episode 12 | Preparing for CSRD assurance

In this CSRD episode Marco and Lidwien share perspectives on sustainability reporting from an assurance perspective.


Episode 13 | Social side of CSRD

In this CSRD episode our colleagues Nathalie and Thijs will focus on the S in ESG and talk about the social standards within the CSRD.


Episode 14 | Performance management in CSRD

In this episode of the CSRD series Frits and Roel will talk about CSRD and the link towards remuneration and sustainability goals.


Episode 15 | The road to net zero: Decarbonisation and CSRD

In this CSRD episode Priti and Frits will talk about how your decarbonisation strategy links to CSRD requirements. They focus on two topics within mitigation: Scope 3 emissions and climate transition plans.


Episode 16 | CSRD and ESG ratings

In this episode Ivan and Vanessa will talk about the connection between ESG ratings and CSRD.

Let's Connect for Impact

If you have any questions regarding CSRD. From double materiality, data & technology to implementing the social aspects and the strategic implications, please give us a call and we're happy to help.

Oscar Snijders

Sustainability Services Lead

Wim Bartels

European Sustainability Senior Partner

Arjan de Draaijer

European Sustainability Senior Partner

Vanessa Otto-Mentz

Sustainability Performance Management, Disclosure and Assurance

Frits Klaver

Director Risk Advisory

Andrea Vogel

Consulting | Finance & Performance

Priti Hoffmann

Partner Risk Advisory

Anne Claire van de Wall Bake Dijkstra - Sustainable Finance Regulatory Requirements

Anne-Claire van den Wall Bake-Dijkstra

Sustainable Finance Regulatory Requirements

Nathalie la Verge

Social Risk & TMT Sustainability industry lead

Ivan Kukhnin

Climate and Nature risk lead

Ramin Farzam

Consulting | Human Capital Sustainability Lead

Han Hindriks

Risk Advisory Director

Vera Vos-Dekker

Audit Partner

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