Resetting Horizons
Global Human Capital Trends 2013
Five years after the onset of the Great Recession, companies are beginning to reset their horizons. For the last several years, human capital decisions have been largely shaped by that recession and its aftermath of weak economic growth. While the global economy continues to lurch forward, the Deloitte Global Human Capital Trends 2013 report finds companies pivoting from the recession to the new horizons of 2020.
Today, the world's leading organizations are raising their sights, broadening their focus and leaning forward. These companies recognize that uncertainty is still part of the business landscape; but they also understand that the world is changing rapidly – and they are determined to get out in front by looking toward the future.
Listening to clients, conversing with experts, and conducting research, senior members of Deloitte's Human Capital team identified 13 global trends that are driving the human capital agenda. We sought to identify changes currently afoot that are already shaping the future of organizations, whether they realize it or not.
We have also created industry forwards.
Leadership.Next: Debunking the superhero myth
Yesterday's leadership theories are not keeping pace with the velocity of today's disruptive marketplace. Organizations are seeking a new model for the age of agility.
How boards are changing the HR game
To seize new opportunities for sustainable growth and manage heightened risks, boards of directors at high-performing organizations are pulling CHROs much deeper into business strategy - and far earlier in the process.
In an era of pervasive globalization, organizations are building multi-directional talent networks that are not only geared toward existing markets, but can also power new emerging markets.
In the midst of ongoing global expansion and a worldwide shortage of critical talent, companies are stepping up efforts - at very different speeds and levels of investment - to recruit and retain a workforce diverse in both demographics and ideas.
Workplaces of the future: Creating an elastic workplace
Workplace flexibility has become table stakes for attracting and retaining employees. Now companies must align their flexibility strategy with their core strategy to realize the benefits
Jump ahead to the year 2020. Half the people you rely on don't actually work for you and that's a good thing - if you're ready.
Faced with tougher, more numerous challenges, today's organizations are demanding more from their change initiatives by pursuing strategies that are customized, precise, and sustainable.
The talent management pendulum is swinging from recruitment to development.
Transforming HR to meet new business priorities
HR transformation efforts are continuing to shift their focus to business priorities, concentrating on areas such as talent, emerging markets, and the HR organization.
Branding the workplace: Innovating the talent brand
Social media has erased whatever lines used to exist between the corporate brand and the talent brand. They're two sides of the same coin.
The aging workforce: Finding the silver lining in the talent gap
Organizations can capitalize on shifting retirement patterns to help narrow their talent gap.
The performance management puzzle
Some say traditional ways of managing employee performance are irrelevant in today's fast-changing work environment. Others argue that these methods drive accountability and differentiated compensation. Both are right.
Human capital analytics: Thinking like an economist
Increasingly, many HR leaders have to answer questions that have an economic issue at their core - the allocation of a scarce resource called talent.
It is time to reset human capital horizons. Deloitte looks forward to having this discussion with you.