
Banking for people with disabilities

Honoring their dignity and serving with empathy

One in four adults—more than 67 million people—in the United States has a disability. Many of these individuals have unique financial needs. For instance, in our survey, one-third of people with disabilities struggle to pay their medical bills, and about one-half cite saving for unforeseen expenses as one of their top goals. What more can banks do to offer products and experiences that are more tailored to the needs of people with disabilities? The Deloitte Center for Financial Services surveyed 1,000 people with disabilities, and 1,000 caregivers, to assess their challenges, how they feel about their banking relationships overall, and how they rate the service they receive from banks. Explore our infographic to learn their thoughts.

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We will use the insights from this survey and our expertise in financial services to create a series of reports and events on banking for people with disabilities to inspire banks to enhance financial well-being among people with disabilities. Stay tuned—our first report will be published in early 2023.

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