
What are other C-suite perspectives?

The CLO’s guide to Generative AI risks and opportunities

The possibilities of advancement and disruption to every aspect of a business pose both opportunities and challenges. While each business function, as well as the board of directors, brings a particular lens to how it thinks about Generative AI (GenAI), there is also overlap in the “big questions” CLO colleagues are contemplating—including the ethical use of GenAI. CLOs can be the voice of ethics for a company, but maintaining an enterprise-wide focus on ethics is the responsibility of every individual. So, while not listed individually below, the ethical use of GenAI is an important consideration across an organization’s leadership. 

Unlocking Generative AI for executives: Build or buy foundation models?


Other Generative AI topics to explore

Learn about other areas of GenAI and how it impacts CLOs and their teams. From the basics to the more complex challenges, these resources are designed to help you navigate GenAI’s legal implications and risks with ease. 

1 Deloitte, "Insights from Technology Executives," Generative AI Executive Forum, April 2023 (unpublished research).
2 Deloitte Center for Board Effectiveness, email interview, August 24, 2023.
3 Deloitte, "Insights from Technology Executives."
4  Deloitte Chief Human Resources Officer Program, email interview, August 24, 2023. 
Deloitte, "Insights from chief strategy executives," Generative AI Executive Forum, April 2023 (unpublished research); Chief Strategy Officer Program interview, September 1, 2023. 
6 Deloitte, "A tale of trust and transformation: Highlights from the 2022 CLO and CCO Strategy survey," 2022.

Get in touch

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Lori Lorenzo

Chief Legal Officer Program
Research and Insights Director
Managing Director | Deloitte Risk &
Financial Advisory
Deloitte Transactions and
Business Analytics LLP

Erin Hess profile image

Erin Hess

Chief Legal Officer Program
Research and Insights Manager
Manager | Deloitte Risk &
Financial Advisory
Deloitte Transactions and
Business Analytics LLP

Jon Foster profile image

Jon Foster

Managing Director | Deloitte Risk &
Financial Advisory
Deloitte Transactions and
Business Analytics LLP

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