manhattan blue and pink circle


Deloitte and Manhattan Associates Alliance

Accelerating fulfillment transformations

Through our award-winning alliance with Manhattan Associates, Deloitte has become a recognized leader in deploying complex, end-to-end supply chain and fulfillment transformations. Our service offerings include both TMS and WMS assessments, planning, road-map definition, warehouse management and supply chain software implementation, system integration, testing roll out, and support.

Deloitte and Manhattan Associates

Deloitte and Manhattan Associates, a global leader in supply chain and omnichannel software solutions, work closely together to help clients deliver leading-class, technology-based transformations. With Deloitte’s cross-industry knowledge and experience across supply chain management—from strategy to implementation, we help organizations around the world increase value realization through warehouse management, store inventory and fulfillment, point-of-sale, and more.

Get in touch

Rich Gorbett
Senior Manager, Global Manhattan Alliance Leader  | Deloitte Consulting LLP
Mona A. Maurelli
Managing Director, Retail & Wholesale Distribution | Deloitte Consulting LLP

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