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COVID-19: Service, sales, and marketing transformation impact: An on-demand webcast series

Explore insights for sales, services, marketing, and more

With so much uncertainty brought on by COVID-19 and businesses scrambling to rework how they interact with customers, what steps can brands take to create positive and effective customer experiences while navigating the new normal?


The road to recovery for service, sales, and marketing

Contact center seriesManaging sales teams in uncertain timesMarketing momentum series

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Contact center series

Deloitte’s contact center webcast series helps define a path forward to help executives address changes in contact center operations and customer expectations. Explore ways contact centers are addressing shifts in type of request and volume as the market reengages.


Contact Center: COVID-19: Respond, Recover, and Thrive

Insights and Trends from our Webinar Series

Deloitte’s Contact Center practice leaders defined a three phase path forward to help executives address changes in contact center operations and customer expectations. 

Download the PDF

Managing sales teams in times of crisis

In past crises, sales organizations have often been vulnerable targets for cost-cutting. The net effect is often a loss of earning power and failure to capitalize on opportunities. When considering the customer and marketing impacts of COVID-19, effective customer engagement and sales will be critical for companies to thrive in the new normal.

Marketing momentum series

As business and consumer environments continue to evolve, marketers are thinking about how to position their businesses to recover and thrive. Our marketing momentum series features dialogue with Deloitte leaders, covering everything from customer acquisition in times of change to the role of CMOs in marketing transformation.

Additional content

COVID-19: How immersive experiences can help accelerate critical learning

Explore immersive learning and how companies can integrate it with their broader learning program.

Duration: 53 min
Register now on-demand

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