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DevOps leader John Willis on how SRE helps reduce shadow AI

Part of the On Cloud Podcast series

With the explosion of AI technologies, shadow AI is starting to wreak havoc on organizations. Embracing AI and constraining it with SRE can help calm the chaos.

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Calming AI chaos: DevOps leader John Willis on how SRE can help constrain shadow AI

This episode—part two of a three-part series with DevOps leader John Willis—focuses on “shadow AI.” Similar to the more-familiar “shadow IT,” shadow AI is the unconstrained expansion of AI that creates operational chaos and adds to technical debt. It occurs when organizations fear embracing AI but workers use it anyway—though without governance. To fix shadow AI, John says, companies should embrace AI, constrain it with site reliability engineering, and leverage it to meet business goals.


If we've learned anything, let's embrace...Embrace doesn't mean we do everything. Embrace is we take a strategy of learning and experimentation.

John Willis is the founder of Botchagalupe Technologies. An accomplished author and innovative entrepreneur, John is passionate about exploring the synergy between technology and the transformative principles of Dr. W. Edwards Deming.

Missed part one of this conversation? Listen to it now. 

DevOps and SRE—people are the secret to success

DevOps and SRE are critical to software delivery–especially in cloud. A focus on people and collaboration, as well as shifting from a project to a product mentality, are strategies that can increase the chances of a successful implementation.

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Struggling with DevOps? Remove silos and embrace change

DevOps can accelerate software delivery, but many organizations still struggle with it because of ineffective processes and resistance to change. Organizations that "do DevOps right" are those that eliminate silos, automate, embrace change, and communicate effectively.

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Cloud, in context

Cloud is more than technology. It’s about making cloud work for your business to enable transformation. Our On Cloud podcast features leading industry innovators who provide their unique perspectives around the technology, business, and culture of cloud to help you achieve your cloud goals. Topics range from an enterprise, strategic look at cloud to practical discussions of how people, processes, and technology can help you make cloud work better for your organization.

Listen to the Deloitte On Cloud podcast to get the information you need to engineer what’s possible with cloud.

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