Moving from potential to performance

<b>New Q3 insights:</b> Explore the latest findings from the Deloitte AI Institute’s survey series tracking Generative AI adoption, successes, and challenges throughout 2024.

The State of Generative AI in the Enterprise

Quarter 3 report: May – June 2024

Unpacking GenAI adoption

Investment is increasing, but the clock is ticking to scale and create value. The Q3 edition of The State of Generative AI in the Enterprise series, Moving from potential to performance, reveals how organizations are navigating challenges and measuring value. Two critical areas of focus are data foundations and governance, risk, and compliance.

View Q3 report

Quarter 2: Jan. – Feb. 2024

Scaling for tangible results

It’s time to go from pilots and proofs of concept to large-scale deployment. The second report in our The State of Generative AI in the Enterprise series, Getting real about Generative AI, explores how organizations are getting down to the work of turning potential into reality.

View Q2 report

Quarter 1: Oct. – Dec. 2023

Now decides next

In our Q1 report, we found that expectations of GenAI remain high, but many leaders are feeling pressure to quickly realize value while managing risks. The greatest areas of concern include governance, talent, and the potential for economic inequality.

View Q1 report

Insights from the leading edge
of GenAI adoption

The defining time for GenAI is now. How we train, apply, govern and work with GenAI will determine its impact. The State of Generative AI in the Enterprise is a survey series tracking trends in use cases, sentiment, adoption, and challenges throughout 2024. Explore findings from the past three quarters now—and stay tuned for what’s next.

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  • Q3 GenAI report

    Learn about the barriers to scaling GenAI and what organizations are doing to break through.

  • Q2 GenAI report

    Explore evolving attitudes and approaches to efficiency, trust, and the workforce of the future.

  • Q1 GenAI report

    Take a look into the GenAI deployments of future-forward organizations.

  • Now decides next

    See survey results, follow trends, and gain insights to stay prepared for the future.

  • Push your way past proof-of-concept.
    Learn how organizations are scaling Generative AI in our Q3 report.

    View Q3 report

    Looking ahead for Generative AI adoption

    Our research reveals five next steps to help organizations set a course for scaling GenAI in the enterprise.



    Reinvest cost and capacity savings in other areas where organizations are seeing GenAI-driven value, such as improving innovation, products and services, customer relationships, and revenue growth.

    Build toward transformation with enduring value.

    Strong processes like governance, data management, and workforce development will speed the creation of new use cases as industries move to more differentiating custom domain and small language models.

    Focus on fundamentals and adaptability.

    Success requires high-quality, ethically sound data. Prioritize internal and external data management, improve foundational practices like security and labeling, and strengthen your data ecosystem.

    Make data an accelerator, not a barrier.

    Executives must stay engaged as cross-functional teams lead risk mitigation. One executive should oversee risk and define an approach to using more sensitive data in pursuit of more valuable use cases.

    Democratize responsibly and with accountability.

    Qualitative metrics may suffice at proof-of-concept, but you need quantitative metrics to tangibly measure and communicate value once you scale. Expect oversight and cost pressures to increase over time.

    Measure performance more rigorously.

    Generative AI insights and solutions from across Deloitte

    About this report

    Now decides next: The state of generative AI in the enterprise is a quarterly report series by the Deloitte AI Institute exploring how actions taken now will guide Gen AI adoption and impact.


    To help leaders in business, technology and the public sector track the rapid pace of generative AI change and adoption within the enterprise, Deloitte is conducting a series of quarterly pulse surveys. The first wave of our survey was fielded to more than 2,800 Director to C-suite level respondents across six industries and 16 countries between October 12 and December 5, 2023.

    See previous waves of this series in our archive.

    View archive

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    Source: Deloitte’s State of Generative AI in the Enterprise Q3 report


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    Press Release

    Despite increased investment and early enthusiasm, data and risk remain key challenges to scaling Generative AI, reveals new Deloitte survey

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