
Omnichannel competitive landscape services

Insights to help companies achieve profitable loyalty

The risk of pursuing digital sales without mature omnichannel capabilities

Expanding into digital channels can help retailers reach new customers, promote brand loyalty, and generate incremental sales. But the additional costs required to service these customers can drain profit margins. Learn more about the capabilities and services companies will need in place to drive profitability across digital and physical channels.

Companies pursuing sales across multiple digital and physical channels must ensure they have the optimal capabilities and services in place to achieve overall omnichannel profitability.

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How our omnichannel competitive landscape services can help

Throughout the year, Deloitte researches and tests the omnichannel services offered by more than 200 global retail and grocery companies, collecting 70 data points across the customer journey. We then apply intelligent analytics to that data to establish year-over-year performance indicators and identify the emerging trends offered by industry leaders.

Our team can help companies understand where they live today within the competitive spectrum and then guide them an omnichannel strategy that helps them accelerate profitable loyalty. Get in touch to learn more.

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Studies across the customer post-purchase journey

We look at the customer post-purchase journey across four areas to uncover end-to-end leading and lagging performance levels. Learn more about emerging services and capabilities across the industry and key opportunities for companies to accelerate their omnichannel maturity and growth.



Learn more about the post-purchase personalization methods that focus on opportunities with upstream and downstream connections to supply chain operations.



What are the critical steps that convert virtual window shopping into sales? Learn about the key drivers in the customer experience that can contribute to cart and checkout abandonment.



See which services are being offered to help combat online profit drain and accommodate customer needs across the speed spectrum.



What capabilities are emerging to transform returns into new sales and address the incremental expenses associated with handling customer returns?

Special edition studies

These studies focus on events throughout the year, or look at specific retail sectors, where companies are facing unique omnichannel challenges.

Industry and consumer insights

Deloitte also conducts regular surveys to substantiate our findings with quantifiable insights from an industry and consumer perspective.


Omnichannel capabilities industry survey

What omnichannel capabilities are companies prioritizing in the near future—and what benefits are they already seeing?


Omnichannel capabilities consumer survey

Dive into consumer feedback on what they’d like to see versus the capabilities they’re currently offered.


Competitive Landscape services

Our team can help companies understand where they live today within the competitive spectrum and then guide them to an optimal omnichannel strategy that helps them accelerate profitable loyalty. Get in touch to learn more.

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