
MEMA OE Automotive Supplier Barometer

Gain insight into key automotive trends

What’s the outlook for the automotive industry? Find out as Deloitte, along with the Motor & Equipment Manufacturers Association (MEMA), presents the MEMA OE Automotive Supplier Barometer. Dive in for quarterly insights on trends having an impact on the automotive sector with perspectives from top executives in the supplier industry.

Trends affecting automotive supply sector growth

The MEMA OE Automotive Supplier Barometer™ captures the pulse and analyzes the business sentiments of top executives in the supplier industry. This quarterly snapshot reflects concerns on commercial issues, the business environment, and strategies that influence the supplier industry. The MEMA OE Automotive Supplier Barometer is distributed to vehicle manufacturers, financial institutions, government officials, and the media to provide an ongoing look into the trends and issues that have an impact on automotive sector growth.

In these quarterly articles, Deloitte leaders offer their perspectives on the findings of this seminal survey of auto supply industry executives.

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