

5x5: Insights and actions

A broad approach to digital identity management

As the scope of identity has increased—from only managing employees to now managing contractors, vendors, and customers—how can the financial services industry keep up with consumer and enterprise identity management? Explore five insights and actions to help organizations develop an effective digital identity management strategy.

Rediscovering your identity

In the era of cyber everywhere, the operating environment for identity management in the financial services industry will likely become increasingly complex. It is critical to approach enterprise and consumer identity with equal vigor, potentially exploring managed services and integrating new technologies. Organizations should think about the challenges related to both consumer and enterprise identity management. There are different business requirements, technical approaches, and challenges for each, but there are sound fundamental practices that can be applied to both.

Download the PDFs on the right to learn more. Additional insights are available in the WSJ Risk & Compliance Journal article Promote Trust With Digital Identity.


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Managing Director
Deloitte & Touche LLP
Senior Manager
Deloitte & Touche LLP

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