

Reopening businesses in the wake of COVID-19

Lessons on business recovery from a consumer sector forerunner

How can consumer retailers better navigate reopening businesses in the wake of COVID-19? Our infographic explores 10 considerations within the frame of four larger themes that can help drive an effective reopening strategy. Get actionable reboot insights from a consumer sector leader who’s been successful in helping accelerate his company’s business recovery to thrive in the new business normal.

Developing effective consumer sector reopening strategies

This is bigger than a store opening—it’s your grand reopening. The COVID-19 pandemic created profound challenges for businesses that require person-to-person contact to operate, forcing many brick-and-mortar shops to temporarily close. How can consumer sector retailers prepare and strategize for a successful business reopening in the wake of COVID-19?

Explore 10 considerations of effective reopening from a recent discussion we held with Deloitte consumer sector leaders and an executive who’s guided his company through the closedown process and onto the business recovery phase. Craig Kessler, chief operations officer of US venues at Topgolf, provides lessons learned to help your organization rethink its reopening strategy and succeed in the wake of COVID-19.

Developing effective consumer sector reopening strategies

Stay ahead of consumer business recovery challenges

Broaden your perspective on consumer sector trends and the changing recovery landscape.

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Get in touch


Frank Oehl
Partner | Deloitte Risk & Financial Advisory | +1 214 840 7760

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