Stories of trust
Conversations with leaders who are making trust actionable and real
Can we trust where neurotechnology is taking society? How does military combat affect trust? And when trust is lost, how do you earn it back? Listen in as a diverse group of leaders add their voices to the dialogue that’s unfolding around Enterprise Trust. From personal stories to timeless principles, they share how trust is an urgent, strategic priority for business and society.
Admiral Mike Rogers, US Navy (Ret.)
Former director, National Security Agency
Combat-ready trust
“I'm ready to execute the mission. And we're waiting and we're waiting. And my commanding officer turns to me and says, ‘Lieutenant, what's going on?’ I run up the ladder to the bridge. It is utter chaos.”
Prof. Nita Farahany
Founding Director, Duke Initiative for Science & Society
Privacy and the battle for your brain
“We don't know where the technology's going. We don't know what functions it will or won't replace, and what it will be effective at and what it wants. And to make commitments that are well beyond the here and the now can be quite dangerous.”
Jason Girzadas, CEO, Deloitte US
The virtuous cycle
“To have a trusted relationship with our professionals is as important as what we do with our clients. It’s a virtuous cycle.”
Kim Rivera
Chief Legal and Business Affairs Officer, OneTrust
Choosing to trust when all is lost
“Knowing that the worst thing I could possibly ever imagine had already happened gave me a sense of courage and calm in moving forward. And I think being committed to trust means being willing to figure out: how do we rebuild from here? How do we regain trust?”
Lara Abrash
Chair, Deloitte US
Trust: The power behind every audit
“Trust is something that when it's working perfectly well, nobody talks about it. And ultimately it starts with you yourself demonstrating what it means to be trusted.”
Kabir Barday, CEO, OneTrust
Trusted outcomes
“Most organizations I talk to were really sincere in their commitments around trust. But there was still a disconnect. Just wanting to be trusted doesn't result in a trusted outcome.”
Jeff Weirens, Global Financial Advisory Leader,
Deloitte LLP
The unbreakable bond
“Trust really comes down to two factors. Competence—do I do a good job? And the second is intent; Do people see me doing the right things for the right reasons? When you combine competence and intent, people can rely on you.”
Elena Kvochko, chief trust officer, SAP
Lessons from the mountain top
“In the moment you’re thinking about overcoming the crisis. But then you rely on the team, you rely on your training. You rely on just trusting the next step.”
Don Fancher, global forensic leader,
Deloitte Financial Advisory Services LLP
Taking a look in the mirror
“You have to be transparent and empathetic. You have to be vulnerable, and then you have to begin to work through the repair by having that very frank and very direct dialogue.”

Put trust behind everything you do
Explore our Enterprise Trust webpage to find out more
Join the trust conversation
Trust is inherent to every aspect of our lives—but when it comes to the enterprise, how do you assess something so intangible? We’re entering into dialogue with leaders like you and want to add your voice to the conversation. Would you share with us your story of trust?
Get in touch

Michael Bondar
Enterprise Trust Leader
Deloitte Transactions and Business Analytics LLP

Don Fancher
Global Forensic Leader
Deloitte Financial Advisory Services LLP

Kate F. Graeff
Enterprise Trust
Vice President
Deloitte Financial Advisory Services LLP