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2030 in brief
Singular insights on the future of work from those leading the way
Our “2030 in Brief” video collection offers a series of quick, easy-to-digest videos, each one offering a singular, actionable insight on the future of the financial services workplace and workforce. Whether you have a minute or two, or more, you’re sure to come away inspired and ready to change the way work is done for your company.
You can learn a lot about the future of work from a single question and a singular answer
We conceived our “2030 in Brief” video collection as a series of quick, easy-to-digest videos, with each one offering a singular, actionable insight on the future of the workplace and workforce. Each question-and-answer video is part of a larger conversation captured between a Deloitte practitioner and a financial services leader dedicated to creating a more purpose-driven, human-centered workplace for the future through the choices they make today. Watch one when you have a minute to spare—or spend a few more and watch the whole series. No matter what, you’ll gain greater insight into the future of work, as well as the perspectives of those accelerating our path to it.
Bank of America’s Namrata Yadav on acceptance, allyship, and advocacy in
the future of work
Academy Executive for External Partnerships and Programs for Bank of America, Namrata Yadav embodies our belief in a more inclusive future of financial services, one in which all communities will have equal access to financial opportunities and a higher bottom line. For this series of “2030 in Brief,” she speaks with Deloitte’s Steve Hatfield on the steps she’s taking to make that future a reality, from ensuring employees can bring their true selves to work, to ensuring more women are empowered to enter the financial services workforce.
Get to know Namrata Yadav
Namrata Yadav is not just a woman, but a woman of color. She is also an immigrant, an American, the daughter of an Indian Air Force veteran, bilingual and accented, a millennial, extrovert, atheist, and mom. As Namrata likes to say, “There’s so many different mes!”
At Bank of America (BOA), where she cold-called her way into an HR job in 2008, Namrata was able to bring all her “mes” and have them championed. Namrata is amplifying the allyship and advocacy she found at Bank of America in new and innovative ways to ensure that, in her future, Bank of America employees can bring their whole selves to work.
Coming soon
Vlad Dziak, global head of mobility for Liberty Mutual Insurance, discusses the future present of talent, mobility, and DE&I with Deloitte’s Leigh D’Andrea.
What does the future of financial services hold?
We think it’s a higher bottom line
Workforce and workplace strategies
Everything you need to know about workplace reentry