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Population health innovation

Delivering and financing value-based care

Traditional health care delivery and business models are experiencing extraordinary pressure for change. How can health care organizations rapidly transform population health models to seize new opportunities to impact health, cost, and quality outcomes and enable growth?

Transforming population health and health care management

Fueled by regulatory actions, consumer expectations, cost pressure, and an overall shift in the health care landscape, we are experiencing a fundamental shift from episodic to holistic patient care supported by nontraditional reimbursement methods. Organizations are being challenged to refocus care delivery and care management approaches, modernize payment models, and enhance physician alignment in order to improve quality and outcomes and accomplish sustainable improvement in finances. Enter Population Health Innovation, a patient-centric, data-driven approach to optimize the physical and mental health of populations that both enables health equity and moves health care organizations toward greater value capture and responsible growth.

Integration with health equity

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How we can help: Population health services

New networks and alliances, acquisitions, partnerships, and collaborations continue to drive the need to elevate population health approaches. The right strategy can enable new business relationships across the care continuum, new integrated economic relationships, and new business and technology capabilities. It may be difficult for health care organizations to win if they approach these market changes without a well-thought-out strategy that creates sustainable competitive differentiation.

To make smart choices on a winning timetable, health care organizations should prepare now to excel at managing clinical and financial risk. They should create new business and economic relationships across the full continuum of care. And they should harness new business and technology capabilities to support these new relationships.

Deloitte is guiding clients across the health care industry and across all dimensions of the volume-to-value transformation—strategy, financial, clinical, operations, technology, change management, and ESG.

Gaining a clear understanding of the changing health care environment and plotting a winning path forward is part of the challenge. Bringing the right experience, tools, and transformation leadership to carry out that strategy is the other part. Between our Value-Based Care, Physician Enterprise, Care Model capabilities and more, we can see you all the way through—and help you successfully navigate the biggest hurdles.

Key potential benefits

  • Establish a strategic vision to reach financial and operational sustainability.
  • Reduce the downside risk of lost share, disintermediation, and reduced market relevance.
  • Expand service reach across population types and increase steerage in-network.
  • Unlearn the volume habit and generate greater margin through a change in service mix.
  • Enable strategic and operational decisions that produce value for patients, providers, and payers.
  • Improve patient health outcomes by integrating multidisciplinary person-to-person and digital interventions and support.
  • Achieve greater clinical performance and physician alignment across the enterprise.
  • Improve payer-provider contract value with effective and efficient partnerships.

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