The center office


The center office: Designing the customer experience

Five solutions for a stellar customer experience

Explore five critical solutions that global business services (GBS) organizations can use to design unforgettable omnichannel customer experiences as the center office.

What effective customer experience design looks like

It’s your first day at your new company! You’re virtually greeted by your new team and provided a personalized onboarding guide that outlines key things to complete within the week. You also receive an invite to your first in-person team event. A few hours later, you’re contacted via chatbot by the information technology (IT) service desk, a part of the GBS organization, which offers a few types of laptops and accessories customized to you. Before the end of the day, your corporate credit card is provided—based on your profile, with easy access to a customizable spend dashboard, which further provides links to internal training courses on corporate card policies and time and expense systems offered by the learning and development team. Everything is coordinated seamlessly. You only need a few clicks to access the teams orchestrating in the background. You don’t know how many corporate functions you’ve interacted with, but they know what you need very well and proactively offer solutions. “This is an amazing experience!” you say. Welcome to the center office—the central nervous system of the enterprise.

The center office: The customer experience

Becoming the center office: Customer experience design

Deloitte’s 2023 Global Shared Services and Outsourcing Survey found close to 70% of the GBS organizations surveyed had either implemented or were planning to implement customer experience and user-centric design as a capability, with more than 50% of organizations incorporating customer behavior data to drive actions.1 We have found that most GBS executives seek to elevate a cohesive, world-class customer experience through common intake channel tools with triaging capabilities and standardized resolution methods—including function-agnostic orchestration teams focused on end-to-end results. The following are critical success factors and lessons learned to drive cohesive and holistic omnichannel customer experiences as the center office.

Five customer experience solutions for the center office

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Deloitte Consulting LLP

+1 312 254 6372

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Deloitte Consulting LLP

+1 434 242 9766

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