2024 Human Capital Trends


2024 Public Sector Human Capital Trends

Driving mission outcomes through human performance

This year’s Public Sector Human Capital Trends report identified seven trends, as well as a leadership epilogue, that explore the specific actions public sector organizations can take to achieve better mission and human outcomes.

The 2024 Trends

As traditional boundaries break down, the world is redefining how work is done, where, and by whom. These changes have an undeniable impact on both the workforce and management. Faced with increasing demands for service and a depleted workforce, public sector leaders have an opportunity to re-evaluate traditional ways of managing people through the lens of human performance, recognizing that the organization thrives when its people thrive.

We define human performance as a mutually reinforcing cycle with compounding, shared value for workers, the organization, and society. When done correctly, this not only improves mission outcomes but also allows the organization to address new concerns from the workforce, increase well-being, remain competitive in the war for talent, and shift workforce responsibilities to focus on uniquely human work.

2024 Public Sector Human Capital Trends

History of the Trends

Deloitte released the first Global Human Capital Trends in 2011, making it the longest longitudinal study on human capital ever done. Deloitte began releasing the public sector perspective, a companion report to the global report, in 2015. The evolution of each year’s trends provides tools and strategies to help organizations remain competitive in meeting their mission and in the talent marketplace.

Research Methodology

Deloitte’s 2024 Global Human Capital Trends survey gathered input from 14,000 professionals across the world on a breadth of topics relating to the employee experience, readiness to meet challenges, and organizational priorities. Unique to this year’s trends survey, Deloitte supplemented its research with both leader- and worker-specific surveys to uncover where there may be gaps between leader and workforce perceptions. The public sector survey data is complemented by several interviews with leaders who work with leading public sector organizations. These insights helped shape the trends in this report.

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