

Beyond compliance: The opportunity of the White House AI executive order

New federal guidance on artificial intelligence heralds a watershed moment government leaders should seize to make their mark

By Amy Chaput, Alyssa Davis, Sarah Aristil

Artificial intelligence (AI) has broken into the public consciousness and is reaching into every aspect of modern life. In the past year, advances in Generative AI in particular have shown how far this technology has come, and organizations around the world are sprinting to leverage the potential of greater efficiency, lower costs, better decision-making, and elevated service delivery.

The federal government recognizes the significance of this moment. In October, President Biden issued Executive Order 14110 on the Safe, Secure, and Trustworthy Development and Use of Artificial Intelligence that, along with guidance issued by the White House Office of Management and Budget (OMB), defines how, and by when, federal agencies must innovate with AI, govern its implementation across agencies, and manage its risks.

This executive order, however, is only the beginning. Just as the internet, big data, and mobile technology forever changed government operations, AI will undoubtedly soon be a permanent force with which government managers at all levels must contend and understand. But visionary leaders who welcome its adoption, proactively manage its risks, and apply lessons learned from past technology implementations to harness its benefits, will be better prepared for the transformation.

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Aman Vij
Sarah Milsom
Senior Manager
Alyssa Davis

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