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COVID-19 5x5: Restoring supply chain operations

A five-minute read on supply chain insights and actions

In the wake of COVID-19, many companies have already established a crisis management center to assess the immediate impacts on their people, customers, suppliers, and broader ecosystem partners. But resilient organizations will go further and establish flexible plans for the recovery period. Explore five actions you can take today to restore supply chain operations and prepare for what’s next.

COVID-19 supply chain risk management strategies

Disruptions to global supply chains due to COVID-19 have been heavy. The critical movement and operation of people, raw materials, finished goods, and factory operations have been significantly impacted. Direct supply chains have experienced challenges, and so have extended supply chain partners, such as third-party and fourth-party vendors—the suppliers of suppliers.

This quick summary provides supply chain risk management insights and actions you can take today in response to the pandemic. For a deeper dive into each of the actions, download our report on orchestrating the recovery of organizations and supply chains.

5x5: Supply chain risk management

Looking for more COVID-19 insights?

Check out our collection of 5x5s for quick insights and actions to help you navigate the evolving situation.

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