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Center for Controllership™ Digest

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Each month, the Center for Controllership™ Digest provides an easily digestible and regular stream of perspectives on the challenges facing controllers and those working in the controllership function. In each issue we share our latest thought leadership and details about upcoming Dbriefs webcasts and other relevant content to help you stay on top of the latest accounting, financial reporting, regulatory, and business developments.

June 2024

Welcome to our Resilient Controller podcast!
In this podcast, we’re bringing the voices of controllers and financial executives who put the attributes of authenticity, determination, trust, and grit into action. In our latest leadership episode, Sean O’Hara, director of Accounting, Reporting and Internal Controls at Nissan North America, shares his priorities of having good working relationships with his team, making sure the financial information is correct, and striving for efficiencies and profitable growth. Visit the link below for the latest episode and enjoy upcoming episodes featuring resilient controllers by subscribing from your favorite podcast player—just search on ‘Resilient'

In our latest leadership episode, Sean O’Hara, director of Accounting, Reporting and Internal Controls at Nissan North America, shares his priorities of having good working relationships with his team, making sure the financial information is correct, and striving for efficiencies and profitable growth.
Enjoy the podcast

Elevating talent: Building the finance workforce of the future
June 27 | 2 p.m. ET
Participants will explore the expectations and trends driving the workforce of the future and strategies for building new talent ecosystems.

The value of the deal: Controllership’s critical role in M&A
Participants will explore value drivers that controllership can influence to redefine its role in the M&A life cycle.

Revisiting ESG ambitions: Building a reliable sustainability reporting model
Participants will hear from a panel of specialists on creating new multifunctional data and reporting models that meet the emerging regulations and offer a foundation for future global reporting requirements.

Getting to ‘go-live’: Finance’s role in tech implementation readiness
Participants will identify, through real-world examples and a panel of specialists, where finance leaders can lean in to drive quality outcomes and enduring benefits from their technology-enabled transformations.

California goes first: Responding to state-led ESG regulations
Participants will synthesize how companies are preparing to tackle state ESG bills from California and beyond.

Controllership year in review: A catalyst for progress in the new year
Participants will explore the technology innovations driving transformation and considerations to guide controllers on the digital journey in the year ahead.

Less carbon, more value: New finance-led model for sustainable future
Participants will distinguish the ways companies can drive greater value by treating carbon reduction as a business strategy.

A new frontier: Exploring artificial intelligence in finance
Participants will assess the key enablers of AI-driven transformation and listen to real-world examples from leaders navigating the growing finance and AI space.

Read our blog insights

Looking for an easier way to stay up to date on technology, regulatory, and industry trends that can impact controllership? Our Controllership Insights blog, featured every month in the Center for Controllership Digest, provides timely perspectives on the latest developments facing chief accounting officers, corporate controllers, and others in the controllership function. See the latest blog content below.

Digest for Controllership back issues

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To get full access to our tools, research, labs, and thought leadership, visit our Subscription page to register your e-mail address and indicate your specific areas of interest. And then keep an eye out for the monthly Deloitte Digest for Controllership and other Deloitte communications. Feel free to email us directly at US Deloitte Controller Programs with any questions or comments you would like to share with our Center for Controllership™ leaders.

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