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Deloitte Consulting’s innovation alliances and programs
Gaining insights. Building the future.
As technology evolves at an exponential rate, it’s critical that our clients understand and anticipate the disruptive impacts that this change will have on their company and their industry. At Deloitte Consulting we’re building a powerful external ecosystem to provide clients with access to market leaders with new, game-changing knowledge, technologies, and methodologies. Build your future with us.
Adopting, planning and integrating exponential technologies
From technology vendors to academic centers, venture capital firms to accelerators, Deloitte is building a growing network of strategic alliances and programs. These alliances enable us to provide clients with the insights, relationships and tools to help them both better understand the transformative power of exponential technologies and to act on it.
Together with our strategic alliances, Deloitte Consulting is helping clients gain an exponential mindset to move from simply understanding exponential technologies to adopting them to create transformative competitive advantage.
Click through or alliances and programs to learn more.
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Member of Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Limited
How to embrace disruption and launch your transformational journey
A view from the Center