

Cash flow strategies for the global mobile workforce

3 ways to optimize mobility and rewards programs in an economic downturn

Organizations are defined not only by how they thrive during strong economic periods, but also how they conquer the uncertainty of challenging ones. Success isn’t a sprint. It’s an endurance event. Streamlining mobility and rewards programs can help address economic downturn and cash flow management concerns as your organization prepares to go the distance.

Bumpy road ahead?

There are times when an economic environment gives us mixed signals. Inflation that had been high starts to subside. Hiring numbers are up, but consumer confidence is down. As a result of these hard-to-read trends, there’s uncertainty for finance leaders over what their companies need to do to persevere through the ensuing months.

Uncertainty, though, shouldn’t lead to unpreparedness.

Organizations are looking to get smarter with their global workforce management and rewards program spend and find new areas for cash flow optimization.

Let’s explore three types of opportunities within your mobility and rewards programs.

Front-end planning

There are several planning areas where fresh eyes and an open mind can find opportunities for increased cash flow.

Back-end refunds

There are opportunities to increase cash flow by getting tax refunds for wage and benefit payments that your organization has already made recently.

Outsourcing opportunities

By engaging with third-party service providers to assist with some of your tax technical work, you can take the energy, time, and cash your teams spend on the day-to-day and put it toward a more strategic focus.


Get in touch

Michael Haberman Michael Haberman
Senior Manager
Deloitte Tax LLP
+1 973 602 6646

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