About us

LBGT+ / Allyship

Deloitte Tohmatsu Group promotes building an inclusive environment where all members can perform their full potential, and provide positive effects to individuals, teams, and organizations.

“Embassy Model”

Deloitte has adopted “Embassy Model" all around the world. Within the walls of Deloitte, LGBT+ inclusive policies and practices for our members are applied in all jurisdictions where we operate.

As we operate globally, we truly believe the power of this Embassy Model -as a Safe Place to protect our members, and as a Community for Allyship where ambassadors leading further changes.


PRIDE Index: Gold Award for 6 consecutive years and achieved the Rainbow Certification in 2023

Deloitte Tohmatsu Group has been awarded the highest award of the Gold over the Pride Index for 6 consecutive years, which is set by the voluntary organization work with Pride to certify LGBT+ inclusive companies. Furthermore, Deloitte Tohmatsu Group achieved the Rainbow Certification in 2023, acknowledged by the collective impact across the sectors.

Deloitte report

LGBT+ Inclusion at Deloitte Tohmatsu Group

Agreement with the various Suggestion

■American Chamber of Commerce (ACCJ) "Support the Recruitment and Retention of Talent by Instituting Marriage Equality in Japan"

■Business For Marriage Equality: Details are HERE

■Equality Act Japan: Detail are HERE

Participation at Tokyo Rainbow Pride

We have been participating in Tokyo Rainbow Pride since 2018, exhibiting booths, parading by many executives and staff, and holding free LGBT + seminars.

Ally goods and Donation

We internally sell originally branded Deloitte Tohmatsu Ally goods, and stickers with rainbow color representing LGBT+ symbol -to show our strong allyship. All the internal sales will go toward a donation to LGBT+ support organizations.

LGBT+ Guideline

We have LGBT+ Guideline and “Transgender (Transition) Guideline” for all the members to deepen the understanding.

LGBT+friendly Rules, Regulations, and Facilities 

Aiming to create an environment where everyone can work as their authentic selves, we are adopting LGBT+ friendly regulations, systems, rules, and facilities.

< Rules and regulations >
・Corporate fringe benefit eligibility (spousal maternity leave, occasional leave, congratulatory or condolence allowances), to define same-sex partners as “spouse”.
・Systems and environment to enable working as one’s gender identity

< Facilities >
・Restrooms that are accessible to everyone, regardless of gender, installed on each of the floors of Marunouchi Nijubashi Office

LGBT+ Study Sessions and Training

We hold study sessions and trainings including e-learning courses for all the members working at Deloitte Tohmatsu Group, from CEO to newly joined members in order to deepen the understanding and obtain accurate knowledge of SOGI and LGBT+. We also have a knowledge management system so that anyone regardless of SOGI can provide those trainings. 

Establishment of an LGBT+ Consultation Team

We have established a consultation team where LGBT+ members and project team members with LGBT+ members in their team, can consult various LGBT+-related problems.

Ally Network

We have a group-wide Ally network, called “Deloitte Tohmatsu Rainbow (DTR),” composed of LGBT+ members and Ally members. We work with Deloitte Tohmatsu Group offices all around Japan, Deloitte Global, and other companies and organizations to contribute to making a society where everyone can be true to themselves.

LGBT+ related Newsletters

Check out our Newsletter by Deloitte Tohmatsu Group Ally members from HERE.

In celebration of Pride Month in June 2020, the Deloitte members from all over the world, including Japan, are pleased to share our thoughts on "What PRIDE means to us" and "Allyship" to support LGBT+ members and how important it is, -with a strong declaration of "I'm proud to be an ALLY".

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