

Deloitte’s Pulse on Purpose

Executive perspectives on integrating purpose into business strategy

Deloitte’s Pulse on Purpose survey provides insights about the challenges and priorities top-of-mind for leadership on their organization’s purpose journey.

Pulse on Purpose

Deloitte’s Pulse on Purpose survey gathers insights from U.S. C-suite executives about their organization’s purpose journeys, including their current priorities, learnings from their initiatives, and the challenges they are facing in realizing their goals. Each survey aims to collect insights that help monitor the pulse on what is top of mind for executives with respect to purpose more broadly and will dive into focused research on a specific topic that is critical to driving purpose forward and helping to create a more equitable society.

Learn more about Pulse on Purpose findings on gender equity.

Explore the infographic

Pulse on Purpose Volume 1: The Gender Equity Imperative

The inaugural Pulse on Purpose focused on gender equity and sought insights on how some organizations are prioritizing gender equity initiatives and focusing efforts to help address systemic barriers in society, increase equal access to opportunity for women in the workplace and help to continue to close the gender equity gap.

We believe a more equitable future should be possible for everyone.​ That’s why we strive to make the world a place where opportunity is available to all people. ​Living our purpose means helping change the systems that produce inequities in our society, and finding new ways for business to help close, rather than widen, existing equity gaps.

                                            - Kwasi Mitchell, Chief Purpose & DEI Officer, Deloitte US

Key takeaways:
  • Sixty six percent of executive respondents believe their organization needs to increase their investment in gender equity, with forty three precenting indicating the investment needed to be either moderate or drastic.           
  • Gender equity is top of mind for two-thirds of respondents who named it an issue facing their organization – yet respondents indicated they have made limited adjustments to their organization’s policies to further support career opportunities for women       
  • Ninety five percent of organizations represented in the survey are holding leaders accountable to gender equity, but only thirty nine percent indicated gender equity goals are directly tied to their compensation (including bonus structure).


About the survey
The Deloitte Pulse Survey was conducted by Wakefield Research among 300 C-Level Executives at companies with $1 billion in annual revenue. The survey was conducted between March 6th and March 16th, 2023, using an email invitation and an online survey.

Nature of results
This survey is a “pulse survey” intended to provide executives with information regarding their peers’ thinking across a variety of topics; it is not, nor is it intended to be, scientific in its number of respondents, selection of respondents, or response rate – especially within individual industries. Accordingly, this survey summarizes findings for the surveyed population but does not necessarily indicate economy- or industry-wide perceptions or trends.

Want more information?
For more information about Pulse on Purpose, please contact or visit Purpose at Deloitte.

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