

2021 Quality Engineering Trends Report

Market dynamics shaping the future of quality engineering

What’s driving the future of quality engineering? We surveyed over 200 IT leaders for their take on top trends influencing quality engineering, including intelligent automation, testing practices, and the rise of artificial intelligence (AI) in testing. Explore the dynamics at play and how to capitalize on opportunities these trends present.


The future of quality engineering

The pace of new technology adoption, particularly the Internet of Things (IoT), blockchain, and AI, continues to drive dramatic change in software development. But IT and product leaders eager to capitalize on these new technologies face a slew of quality delivery challenges. Rolling out new solutions quickly in this environment requires advanced upskilling, tighter coordination within and among teams, and a firm grip on the latest tools and methods available to the quality engineering function.

To capture the current mindsets of organizations and their quality engineering approaches, we surveyed over 200 senior executives with IT leadership roles across industries. We asked them what’s top of mind for their current quality engineering practices, the trends they are excited about, investments they are making, and the challenges they are facing.

Our inaugural quality engineering trends report explores the top concerns, considerations, and opportunities identified by survey respondents and provides practical takeaways for making the most of these trends.  


Key takeaways: The 2021 quality engineering trends survey results

Perspectives from our report include an overarching outlook on the future of quality engineering and 10 trend areas we predict will have an outsize impact on quality delivery. With a clearer picture of the needs of today’s IT organization serving as context, we break down the key opportunities within each major trend area affecting the quality engineering function. 

2021 Quality Engineering Trends Report

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