

Monitoring the M&A Market

Timely updates on M&A for finance executives

Providing CFOs, controllers, CEOs, and their teams access to valuable insights on M&A trends that can help their organizations become more strategic, proactive, and effective in today’s M&A reality. Explore our insights to help you move forward with confidence in today's dynamic environment, whether it's IPO, sell- or buy-side due diligence, transaction accounting and reporting, or business integration or separation.



Planning for the financial elements of a divestiture

Divestiture planning and execution can vary significantly depending on the transaction type and objectives. Preparing effectively for a divestiture can help you make informed decisions and influence your divestiture outcome favorably.


Accelerate your divestiture with our readiness tool

Every divestiture transaction is a unique journey. Our Divestiture Readiness SelfAssess™ tool is here to help you navigate yours. Learn how our free and easy-to-use tool can help you identify steps to better prepare your company for a transaction.






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