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2020 Banking Industry Outlook

Optimism for banking and capital markets

There’s a new kind of promise in the banking industry—and possibly no better time than now for transformation. Economic fundamentals are strong, the regulatory climate is favorable, and transformation technologies are more readily accessible, powerful, and economical than ever before.

2019 Banking and Capital Markets Outlook: Reimagining transformation

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2019 Banking and Capital Markets Outlook: Reimagining transformation

January 29, 2:00 p.m. ET

A decade after the financial crisis, the global banking industry is on firmer ground. There may be no better time than now for banks to reimagine transformation and pursue strategic change in 2019. We’ll discuss:

  • The need for strategic transformation in 2019 in four important areas that banks should prioritize: regulatory compliance, technology, risk management, and talent.
  • Specific expectations across seven business segments: retail banking, corporate banking, investment banking, transaction banking, payments, wealth management, and market infrastructure.

Participants will explore ways banks can continue their strategic transformation in 2019.

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