Happy together: the asset management industry heads back to the office?
Are you back in the office? For many in asset management, it’s no longer optional. The industry has started to move from gentle encouragement to a mandatory “3 days in, 2 days remote” model. We interviewed leaders to see what’s behind the trend. They revealed what they really think about the future of a five-day, in-office workweek in the asset management industry.
Integration can be the key to unlocking value in investment management M&A
The economic case for thoughtfully integrating asset managers following mergers and acquisitions is strong. Firms that take a deliberate and strategic approach to integration experience faster growth and higher margins.
It’s not easy being green: Managing authentic transformation within sustainable investing
Given the rapid growth in sustainable investing, clarifying a firmwide approach is critical to investors, regulators, and internal stakeholders. To carry out their ESG strategy, executives and investment leadership will need to evolve their investment process, organizational design, and data.
Data and technology in investment management
Disruptive data and technology trends in investment management are challenging the industry’s leaders. CEOs who are short on internal expertise are facing ballooning costs and a myriad of new applications. As investment management technology moves to the core of the business, CEOs must set a clear vision for how they will drive competitive advantage.
Righting the ship: Transforming active equity for a competitive world
Deep secular shifts in capital markets and asset management’s operating environment are reshaping investment opportunities. How can asset managers improve their economics despite secular headwinds industrywide?
Integrating to add value in asset management M&A
Thoughtful integration can become a primary catalyst for improving enterprise value. This paper explores areas of effective integration opportunities, based on three primary conclusions, to help asset management firms unlock value through selective integration.
Distribution 2.0: How technology will redefine relationships with asset management clients
The role of technology in asset management is fundamentally transforming the worldwide distribution of goods and services. This white paper explores four key considerations for asset managers of tomorrow. By embracing distribution technology, you can deliver efficiency and a better client experience that will help you acquire and retain more business.
Industrial evolution: Securing profitable growth in tomorrow's asset management industry
Explore the root causes and necessary elements of effectively transforming today’s asset managers into tomorrow’s market leaders—growing valuable franchises that attract clients and shareholders.
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Skill through scale? The role of M&A in a consolidating industry
Deteriorating economics, distributor consolidation, the need for new capabilities, and a shifting value chain are combining to set off an accelerated and different round of merger and acquisition (M&A) activity in the investment management industry.
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Survival of the fittest: Defining future leaders in asset management
Asset management executives worldwide have long been the beneficiaries of a lucrative and benign operating environment. The resulting broad growth rewarded many asset managers, even those with functional deficiencies in strategic plans and operating models. Now, however, the industry faces a reckoning driven by two primary factors: costs and consumers.
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The roar of the crowd: How individual investors transform competition in asset management
Asset management remains a vibrant, lucrative financial services industry, but it already shows signs of maturing, including more fee pressure and less operating leverage. Increasingly the same competitive dynamics that shape other financial services industries will affect asset managers: intensifying rivalry among too many players with similar value propositions, resulting in consolidation and disruption.
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New arrows for the quiver: Product development in a new active and beta world
Investors worldwide will fund a $4 trillion transition to new active strategies and a $1 trillion boost in passive investments over the next five years, partly by redeeming $2 trillion-plus in benchmark-tracking strategies. Product development consequently has become a critical success factor for investment managers.
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Retooling US intermediary sales: New advisor targeting strategies
Financial advisors are using new methods to build client portfolios resulting in four new archetypes of financial advisors, with distinct and divergent needs. The growth of these emerging archetypes is driven by a secular shift toward outcomes, more investment strategies, and fee-based compensation.