

Military spouse initiative

Creating meaning at work

Deloitte’s Military Spouse Initiative provides a strong network based on transparency and personal relationships that empowers military spouses to own their careers in the midst of unpredictable changes.

Military Spouse Initiative: Creating meaning at work

Organizations are investing in many programs to improve life at work, all focused on improving the day-to-day experience of their workers. While there is much that can be done to improve work/life balance, research shows that the most important factor of all is the work itself: making work meaningful and giving people a sense of belonging, trust, and relationships. Deloitte’s Military Spouse Initiative provides support to its members through an ambassador program, talent support, professional development, and specialized recruiting efforts. In this episode we will hear about how this program got started and the profound impact it has for its members.

How can leaders support employee-led initiatives that emphasize the human experience at work?

From employee experience to human experience: Putting meaning back into work

What creates a positive, motivating experience at work? Mainly, it's the meaning and growth people find in the work itself—and to improve that, the entire organization has to be involved.


Measuring human relationships and experiences

With the lines between enterprises' stakeholders—customers, workers, and partners—blurring rapidly, creating a good human experience could begin with putting in place a holistic strategy to measure this experience.


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