

Navigating the Future of the MedTech Industry

Deloitte leaders discuss MedTech industry trends, challenges, and opportunities in a changing health care marketplace

Rapid health care market changes are challenging MedTech industry stakeholders to evolve and expand their current product supplier role to thrive in the Future of Health. In this series, Deloitte leaders share how MedTech companies can advance clinical, commercial, and digital transformation.

New strategies for medtech startups

Investment in early-stage medtech innovation can be critical in ensuring that patients have access to novel therapeutics and diagnostics. In 2017, the Deloitte Center for Health Solutions and AdvaMed Accel conducted a study on reinvigorating medtech innovation. The study found that venue capital investments in the sector were declining as investors shied away from unproven early-stage technologies, regulatory and reimbursement hurdles, and lackluster returns.

In 2021, we revisited this research to find out how investment and investor priorities had changed over the last five years. We interviewed 16 seasoned medtech investors and entrepreneurs in the early-stage ecosystem and identified several areas of improvement. Learn more in our report!

Exponential innovation in MedTech: Unleashing the full potential of digital technologies:

The healthcare industry is dramatically shifting. Exponential innovation by MedTech companies is needed, so they can compete in the world of digitally driven health care. Explore the lessons learned from exponential innovation leaders.

Digital Surgery and MedTechs: Three possible future vectors

The potential for digital surgeries is generating excitement and investment throughout the healthcare ecosystem. Explore the three possible future vectors for digital surgery that have the potential to improve clinical outcomes, efficiency, and cost-effectiveness of care episodes requiring a surgical intervention.

What’s the big deal with 5G anyway? The promise (and reality) of 5G in Medtech

The future of 5G is already here! MedTech R&D teams should have already thought through the various implications and use cases leveraging 5G. Those that haven’t started on this path are likely already trailing their competitors. Explore how 5G and edge computing could enhance medical devices and health care services reliant on devices.

Disruption and innovation, two sides of the coin: 2022 Medtech industry trends

The pandemic continues to shine a spotlight on how medtech is critical to our nation’s healthcare infrastructure and our ability to respond to extraordinary events. It is time to harness that momentum and take advantage of the opportunities that lie ahead. Deloitte’s Glenn Snyder discusses these opportunities, and 6 trends that organizations can expect in 2022.

MedTech is going consumer; capturing the opportunity requires a new approach

The context of health care and its delivery is transitioning to focus on the patient/user, providing opportunities for MedTech companies to expand the marketplace for their products. To thrive under this new context, companies will need to incorporate digitally enabled consumer engagement capabilities into their product design. The preferred path forward is to launch a separate business venture that is underpinned by a growth- and transformation-oriented mindset.

Value centricity is key for MedTech to become a strategic partner for customers

MedTech companies that want to evolve beyond their traditional product supplier role to become a value-driven, strategic business partner to their hospital customers will need to undergo a multifaceted transformation that addresses six success factors.

MedTech commercial transformation: Moving from “doing digital” to “being digital”

The health care ecosystem is undergoing unprecedented changes, compelling MedTech manufacturers to rethink traditional commercial models. At the heart of commercial transformation is moving from “doing digital”—applying digital capabilities in an ad hoc manner—to “being digital”—designing and implementing a differentiating digital strategy.

Value-based contracting is gaining traction: Is MedTech ready?

Medical device manufacturers have been talking about the transition to value-based care (VBC) for much of the past decade. Yet, despite many executive-level conversations, stacks of white papers, and countless conference sessions, VBC contracting in MedTech remains largely stuck in the mud, even as it gains traction in the broader health sector.

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