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Empowering employees in sustainability

Organizations’ role in educating employees on climate change

Mitigating the impacts of climate change starts at the individual level. That’s why businesses have a role to play to educate and engage their employees as agents of change. By supporting sustainability initiatives within their walls, organizations can empower their people to make positive climate choices both at work and beyond.

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How organizations can engage their employees through sustainability initiatives

I see employees as an untapped reservoir for influencing change within companies. We often forget about the people that have the closest relationships to the decision-makers: the employees within the companies themselves.

–Charles Orgbon III, advisory sustainability consultant at Deloitte

On the global journey to reaching net-zero emissions, how can TMT organizations help by engaging employees in sustainability? Can educating employees on the impacts of what they consume and buy help them make more positive climate decisions? How has lockdown affected corporate responsibility and sustainability efforts and accelerated employee sustainability education?

This sustainability podcast episode of User Friendly aims to answer these questions and more. Join our host, Hanish Patel, and his guests, Julie Moorad, global impact and sustainability manager at Salesforce; and Charles Orgbon III, advisory sustainability consultant at Deloitte, to discuss how organizations can empower employees in corporate sustainability initiatives.

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